Cradle to Cradle, en wat (ecologische) duurzaamheid nog meer is Taeke M. de Jong Almere
Lagen in het afwegingskader
Paradox of scale
Levels of scale to be aware of Different levels of scale mean different legend units, categories, views, approaches, conclusions
Context analysis
For example: 4 usual scenarios Scale? Culture? Technology? Ecology? Space?
‘+!’ is only one of scenarios
Questionnaire of futures Field of problems = Probable - Desirable Field of aims = Desirable - Probable
Journals 28 October 2007 Advertentietekst: ‘Aan het einde van een lang leven wordt je oude auto vakkundig gedemonteerd. 85% ervan wordt hergebruikt, en binnenkort is dat zelfs 95%. De vulling van de autostoelen wordt opnieuw gebruikt als isolatie en in sportmatten, autoramen en koplampen worden flessen, en de banden bijvoorbeeld rubberen stoeptegels. Vandaag recyclen we onze 3 miljoenste auto. Daar kunnen we met z’n allen trots op zijn! De autobranche zegt wel eens: ‘Was iedereen maar zo netjes op het milieu.’ Auto Recycling Nederland is een onderneming van BOVAG, FOCWA, RAI en STIBA. Dutch cradle to craft
Cradle to cradle extending R=1m From recycling into upgrading beforehand Leaving more possibilities Choice for future generations supposes –not only our choice. Freedom of choice supposes –diversity, opportunity to choose (risk cover for life) ; –health, ability to choose.
Declining biodiversity and health No other environmental problems –even energy is no durable problem if it does not affect biodiversity or health at last –solar power = 6000 x current human use of energy after all. Complex on itself –local, regional, continental or global diversity? –within a year, a decade, a century? –the same applies for health.
Rarity measures the uniqueness of location drives evolution, biodiversity, surprise motivates technical innovation determines economic scarcity, value determines cultural identity, pride touches the electorate of governance touches all layers
Rarity and reparability evaluating alternatives by space and time
Continental vegetation types Bohn et al.(2001) Dutch rarity: water management
Water, secret of Dutch diversity De Bruin (2007)
Different ecologies involved
Land water gradients R=100m
Land water gradients R=10m
Boundary richness, condition of diversity Limes convergens, limes divergens, gradient
Ecological tolerance
Quality = f(variation)
The ecologist’s view Andrewartha (1961):Ecology is the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of organisms. Krebs, C.J. (1972, 1992): Ecology is the scientific study of the the interactions that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms. Begon; Harper; Townsend (1996): Ecology is the scientific study of the the interactions that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms, populations and communities.
The designer’s view: state of distribution(form)
Alternatives of form: states of dispersion on one level of scale
The dispersion of two world- wide rare species black-tailed godwit (grutto) marsh fleawort (moerasandijvie)
Autecology: dispersion of one population and its habitat Gadwall duck (krakeend) 04 Garland Weed Class (eendekroosklasse)
States of human dispersion on different levels of scale
Principles of urban extension
Built and open space
Interpreting H+N+S Pampus
Interpreting Hosper Pampus
Interpreting TKA Pampus
Interpolating plans to inhabitants each (spatial scenarios) to compare states of dispersion (form)
Open space
Possibilities for nature (H+N+S)
Possibilities for recreation (H+N+S)
Open space first