In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet The role of APEL in career coaching and competence management Competence navigation.


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Transcript van de presentatie:

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet The role of APEL in career coaching and competence management Competence navigation and competence communication RUGhent 13 September 2007

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet Kellens Consulting  Recruiting- and selection office since 1995  Educational advice since 1997  Competence management projects e.g. National Post Office unit Informatics

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet Kellens Consulting  Since 2003 starting up private limited company (PLC) upgrading competences via individual or collective projects  Career services - since 1 January 2004

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet Career Services  Flemish Government decree 27 August 2004  Recognition of and subsiding centres for career services  On the initiative of the employee without the intervention of the employer with the ethical code of career coach

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet KC Career services  Competence detection Every accepted responsibility translates itself into a competence The vision behind competence detection is based on Peter Honey’s professional effectiveness theory

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet KC Career Services  four types of competence Personal Social Technical Functional-technical

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet Personal/social competences  Are often detected on the basis of boundary conditions of employment, e.g.: Problems with inferiors and superiors, colleagues -> assertiveness Job profiling -> communication -> Selling skills -> Self-assertiveness

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet Personal/social competences  Career coaches are trained in humaneness so that all these issues are dealt with during a training process Competences Employability Deriving personal competences from this

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet Competence profile  A profile is made on the basis of a competence analysis  This competence profile is used to define a career focus ambition  Career focus leads to a directional navigation in the company itself or on the job market  This exercise teaches people to communicate their competences

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet From competence detection to recognition of prior learning  Career coaching allows each participant to map all the competences they have achieved, developed and acquired in addition to their diplomas  People become more competitive in their jobs

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet Functional technical jobs Competence management = internal career management

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet Career Coaching Bottom up = career services External consultancy formula  On the employee’s initiative  Individual coaching of the employee in the context of career services

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet Competence management Top down = competence management Bottom up = career services Competence management within the company  On the initiative of the employer  management coaching  Internal competence analysis and implementation within the company.

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet Click here to make a title  Top down and bottom up go together and lead to good quality career coaching

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet Conclusion  Advice to the government: in social consultation give the employer more responsibility regarding developing the competence of his own employees  In this way competence development, rather than other conditions, becomes the trigger for executing the job

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet Career coaching and educational advice  On concluding career coaching participants will receive career recommendations that are in line with their career ambitions

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet Career coaching and competences  In 2007 Belgium does not have an exhaustive list of prescribed competences  Career coaches can freewheel in terminology and in formulating competences

In samenwerking met het Europees Sociaal Fonds en het Hefboomkrediet Career coaching and accreditation of competences  When jobs are dissected or analysed into formal, accredited competences  Then as career coaches we have to prepare participants for the accreditation or auditing centre and propose a plan of action that will lead them towards a certain job or simply help them to take on and deal with new responsibilities