High quality internet for higher Education and Research 1 TF-LCPM: Exchanging new ideas New ideas within SURFnet Sharing with other NRENs


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Transcript van de presentatie:

High quality internet for higher Education and Research 1 TF-LCPM: Exchanging new ideas New ideas within SURFnet Sharing with other NRENs october 2006

High quality internet for higher Education and Research 2 Today’s challenge: the usuage of NREN services is far behind expectations Quote: “SURFnet has Great services! … But I don’t use them, sorry” Introduction

High quality internet for higher Education and Research 3 Todays SURFnet 1.A lot of services are created and built by SURFnet 2.Many customers don’t use them WHY? Some causes: 1.It is not evident where (new) services can be found. Information about services is scattered everywhere; 2.Services are not mature enough (userfriendlyness, doesn’t fit with customer’s environment) 3.Customers don’t have time/knowledge to implement 4.Customers don’t know about services due to lack of contact with the NREN 5.Customers don’t need our services (there are alternative products, price to high, etc..)

High quality internet for higher Education and Research 4 Actions SURFnet New project ‘stimulating the usuage of services’: 1.Improving the ‘presentation’ of services (eg. user friendlyness, documentation, …) 2.Getting involved in the adoption process at the customer: delivering consultancy 3.Creating an electronic ‘ticket window’: stimulating electronic contact 4.‘Direct’ Marketing (not: mass-marketing) 5.Exchanging information: weblogs, best practices

High quality internet for higher Education and Research 5 Zooming in on two items 1.Improving the ‘presentation’ of services: Dashboard: A central platform which presentates and gives access to all available services in the same way and has also the potential to integrate them; 3. Creating an electronic ‘ticket window’: stimulating electronic contact: a central monitoring tool

High quality internet for higher Education and Research 6 Activity: SURFnet dashboard Central platform for all applications Ment for technical contacts at institutes Login once, use many services Services have same GUI/interaction methods New services can be plugged in easily Requirement: standardisation and integration Result: Improved presentation of services + new marketing machine

High quality internet for higher Education and Research 7 Next… Artist impression of a dashboard…

High quality internet for higher Education and Research 8 Dashboard N NERD ID IDS N PACT I IRT S SURFstat J DetectiveBuilder J Monitoring E Eduroam A Federation S SCS FAQ 1.Waarom is het dat er en daarom kan ik niet, hoe kan dat toch steeds? 2.Waarom is het dat er en daarom kan ik niet, hoe kan dat toch steeds? 3.Waarom is het dat er en daarom kan ik niet, hoe kan dat toch steeds? 4.Waarom is het dat er en daarom kan ik niet, hoe kan dat toch steeds? 5.Waarom is het dat er en daarom kan ik niet, hoe kan dat toch steeds? Alle vragen SURFnet Dashboard J Junk-select K Kanon R SURFnet ReportBuilder Security Network and infrastructure Authentication and Authorisation Rapportage Actual Onderhoudswerkzaamheden gepland voor adius servers onbetrouwbaar Integratie rapportagefunctionalieit gepland voor november 2006 Gegevens wijzigen | English version | Uitloggen Ingelogd als: Dinsdag 25 april 2006, 14:29

High quality internet for higher Education and Research 9 Activity: Electronic ticket window Dashboard as a central service spot, but: how to attrack customers to visit this spot? Central monitoring tool: Show customers from a NREN perspective: –How well does the network perform? –How well do the services perform? –How well do the delivered services preform –Outage / Alarms –(artist impression, see next. for example, based on nagios)

High quality internet for higher Education and Research 10 Dashboard N NERD ID IDS N PACT I IRT S SURFstat J DetectiveBuilder J Monitoring E Eduroam A Federation S SCS FAQ 1.Waarom is het dat er en daarom kan ik niet, hoe kan dat toch steeds? 2.Waarom is het dat er en daarom kan ik niet, hoe kan dat toch steeds? 3.Waarom is het dat er en daarom kan ik niet, hoe kan dat toch steeds? 4.Waarom is het dat er en daarom kan ik niet, hoe kan dat toch steeds? 5.Waarom is het dat er en daarom kan ik niet, hoe kan dat toch steeds? Alle vragen SURFnet Dashboard J Junk-select K Kanon R SURFnet ReportBuilder Security Network and infrastructure Authentication and Authorisation Rapportage Actueel Onderhoudswerkzaamheden gepland voor adius servers onbetrouwbaar Integratie rapportagefunctionalieit gepland voor november 2006 Gegevens wijzigen | English version | Uitloggen Ingelogd als: Next.. Dinsdag 25 april 2006, 14:29

SURFnet Dashboard  Terug Monitoring More information Dinsdag 25 april 2006, 14:29 M Gegevens wijzigen | English version | Uitloggen Logged in as: Overview | General view | 3d view |more views | less views Network and services view Support  Monitor enabled view Copyright SURFnet b.v Caution: euriforia debluta eruptum. Uitlegt 

SURFnet Dashboard  Terug Monitoring More information Dinsdag 25 april 2006, 14:29 M Gegevens wijzigen | English version | Uitloggen Logged in as: Overview | General view | 3d view |more views | less views Network and services view Support  Monitor enabled view Copyright SURFnet b.v Caution: euriforia debluta eruptum. Uitlegt 

High quality internet for higher Education and Research 13 Exchanging ideas between NRENs A good plan for stimulating usuage is interesting for all NRENs Dashboard can be an inter-NREN platform: plug in and share cross-NREN-services Remote monitoring tool can be of value for more NRENs, some NRENs already have something alike Concrete: which NRENs will help with these ideas and cooperate building this?

High quality internet for higher Education and Research 14 Thanks!