Kwalificaties op EQF niveau 5 Panteia en 3s Cedefop studie Simon Broek
Overzicht introductie Doel van de studie Conceptueel kader Onderzoeksvragen Werk plan Belangrijkste punten in de methodologie (landenstudies; casestudies) Planning eindrapport Afsluitende opmerkingen
Doel van de studie Het doel van deze studie is een beter inzicht te krijgen in de rol en functie van kwalificaties die aan EQF niveau 5 zijn gerefereerd. Zowel met betrekking tot verder leren als de arbeidsmarkt. Daarnaast dient de studie het begrip van de wijze waarop de leeruitkomsten benadering is toegepast in Europa versterken.
Conceptueel kader
Onderzoeksvragen # Research question 1 Which qualifications have been linked to level 5 of the EQF; to what extent do countries differ in their use of level 5? 2 Which are the key purposes and functions of qualifications assigned to the EQF level 5? What is their ‘currency’ in the labour markets and/or in further learning? 3 What is the profile - expressed in terms of learning outcomes - of qualifications assigned to EQF level 5? Which other criteria have been used for placing qualifications at level 5? 4 How have the learning outcomes and ‘best fit’ approaches been applied for assigning qualifications to the EQF level 5 across countries? What were the main challenges and opportunities faced by countries? 5 Using EQF level 5 as a reference point – to what extent are countries using national qualifications frameworks as a tool to improve linkages between sub-systems/ qualifications and for development of new qualifications? 6 Using EQF level 5 as a reference point – what are the implications of learning-outcomes based qualifications levels for individuals in terms of access, progression and transfer of learning outcomes? 7 Which are the main differences and similarities between countries or systems with regard to one or more of the above factors?
Conceptueel kader en onderzoeksvragen
Werkplan Inception phase: Interim phase: Final phase: Kick-off meeting, desk research at EU level and developing data collection formats, establishing dedicated website, drawing up inception report, inception report meeting (telephone); Interim phase: Briefing national experts, conducting country studies (desk research, interviews), drawing up country report, drawing up interim report, interim report meeting; Final phase: Conducting in-depth case studies, desk research, site visits including interviews, drawing up case study reports, comparative analysis drawing up (draft) final report and final report meeting.
Belangrijkste elementen studie Landenstudies in: Oostenrijk, België (Vlaanderen), Kroatië, Tsjechië, Denemarken, Estland, Frankrijk, Ierland, Letland, Litouwen, Luxemburg, Malta, Nederland, VK [b1]Ik mis hier wat vragen die ingaan op the descriptor van NQF level die gelinkt zijn EQF level 5. Vervolgens de inhoud en functie van kwalificaties die hieraan gekoppeld zijn (descriptor van leanring outcomes etc.). [b2]ZIe opmerkinge hierboven. Geven nog een beschrijving van de kwalificaties die gelinkt zijn? En op welke criteria?
Belangrijkste elementen studie Selectie van landen voor casestudie: Frankrijk, Litouwen, Nederland, Oostenrijk, Ierland en Tsjechië Focus op concrete kwalificaties: Ad manager in gezondheidszorg (NL) Zakelijk accountmanager (NL) VET college of electronics and technical computer science (AT) VET college of business administration (AT) Vocational qualifications (VQs): 1) Human Resources Generalist; 2) Tour Guide; 3) Bereavement Counsellor (CZ) the Advanced Certificate in Professional Cookery / the Higher Certificate in Culinary Arts (SCHE) (IE) paramedic and sewing designer (planned to be provided in the initial VET school) and the qualifications of accountant and technician of mechatronics (planned to be provided by the short study cycles) (LT) University Diploma of Technology in the Management of Enterprises and Administrations (Finance and Accounting - Small and Medium Organizations) (FR)
Planning Start in augustus Opleveren draft final report: mei Bijeenkomst draft final report: eind mei Opleveren Final report: eind juni
Afsluitende opmerkingen Simon Broek