A Healthy sense of Trust
Key take aways
Starting point Supervision vertrouwen
So what?
Consistentcy Transparency Accountability vertrouwen
Why is Trust Complex?
Relational concept Interpersonal
Emotional vs Rational
Mental outlook We zijn geneigd om rationele en emotionele motieven door elkaar te laten lopen. Jouw mentale kader bepaalt hoe je gedrag waarneemt en interpreteert. Een relatie die begint met wantrouwen is moeilijk om te turnen in een relatie van vertrouwen.
View of humanity
Literature and practical research
Interview vertrouwen ‘I asked for the information several times without any response and now I want to see the situation myself’
observation ‘I have a lack of trust because there is no open dialoge between the management board and the supervisory board’
What now
Now you know
Always trust your wife Titel van presentatie | datum van presentatie
IGZ Mental health care ‘They didn’t see the shortcomings’
Case IGZ GP with drug addiction He denied that he was self-medicating…