Implementation of Flexicurity Measures


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Implementation of Flexicurity Measures VDAB Flemish Public Employment & Vocational Training Services

Flexicurity 2005: National Reform Program security of employment security of career making career paths more secure by facilitating the transition between jobs The connecting thread running through the reforms which have been announced is an increase in the rate of activity and the maintenance in employment of those who are at risk of leaving the employment market. It must be underlined that the role of the social partners is very important in these matters. The measurements are for the most part established in collective labour agreements. It is also important to know that Belgium is a federal state

Active labour market policies Temporary unemployment 1978: blue collar worker 2009: white collar worker 2003: Collective short-time working 2005: National Reform Program

National Reform Program Coaching plan for the unemployed Comprehensive approach Active management of company restructuring Employment units Outplacement Comprehensive approach = provide each jobseeker with a suitable offer in time Suitable offer = mediation (virtual, collective, individual), guidance or training based on individual needs

Outplacement Facilitating work-to-work transition Several legislations Individual dismissal: obligatory for 45+ Collective dismissal: obligatory for everyone who registers for the employment unit Social Intervention Fund: obligatory for 45+, possible for 45- Employer pays (except when there’s no money  Social Intervention fund)

Outplacement +/- 200 known outplacement agencies in Flanders How can you guarantee quality? In Flanders: only licensed outplacement agencies can offer outplacement in Flanders

Quality label: CERTO European Services Directive 2006/123/EC 09/2009: Instructions to set up a quality label 12/2009: Quality label: CERTO (only when the outplacement is followed up in an employment unit) 10/2010: first certificates 01/2012: 40 outplacement agencies with certificate

Quality label: CERTO Voluntary Application form with: Signed code Copy of the contract with VDAB for the use of the Client-tracking-system (CVS) List of consultants who followed the CVS training List of consultants who must pass the aptitude test

Quality label: CERTO Significance Compliance with the Code and the Privacy Laws Registration in the Client Tracking of the VDAB Consultants passed the aptitude test Cooperation in the complaint procedure Employers’ and participants' satisfaction Results of outplacement counselling Voorwaarden om het certificaat te verkrijgen: Onderschrijven gedragscode  Voorwaarden waaraan de outplacementbegeleiding moet voldoen + CVS-registratie + gegevensoverdracht VDAB Klachtenprocedure  Bereidheid tot medewerking bij de behandeling van klachten die toekomen bij de VDAB of bij Federgon Tevredenheidsmeting bij werkgevers/deelnemers  Vanuit de VDAB gestuurd Uitstroommeting  Uitstroom naar werk en uit de werkloosheid (worden niet verspreid) Beroepskennis outplacementconsulenten met minder dan 3 jaar werkervaring in de outplacementsector  examen

Life Long Learning School to work transit Personal Development Plan Training cheques Vocational training VDAB Recognition of Acquired Competencies POP: Doorheen het begeleidingsproces is het de bedoeling dat de klant steeds beter greep krijgt op zijn eigen ontwikkeling en loopbaan. De consulent ondersteunt dit proces door de ontwikkeling van de klant te stimuleren op vijf basiscompetentiedomeinen Motievenreflectie: Het nadenken over wensen en waarden die van belang zijn voor de eigen loopbaan. Kwaliteitenreflectie: Het nadenken over eigen sterktes en hoe men deze kan gebruiken in zijn loopbaan. Werkexploratie: Het onderzoeken van eisen en waarden in werk en de mogelijkheden die er zijn op de arbeidsmarkt. Loopbaansturing: Het plannen, beïnvloeden en bespreken van leren en werken gericht op loopbaanontwikkeling. Netwerken: Contacten opbouwen en onderhouden op de arbeidsmarkt gericht op loopbaanontwikkeling.

Riet Bulckens Questions? Riet Bulckens

Thank you!