EnTranCe: Centre of Expertise Energy “If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” Dr. Ir. Jan-jaap Aue Hanze University of Applied.


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Transcript van de presentatie:

EnTranCe: Centre of Expertise Energy “If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” Dr. Ir. Jan-jaap Aue Hanze University of Applied Sciences

Show options and their impact Stakeholders Dialogue Our Mission :Speed up innovations for the Energy Transition Inter-disciplinary Multi-Level Co-ownership Young People ‘Just do it’ Show options and their impact Stakeholders Dialogue

How? Educational programmes Energy Routes in 10 schools leading to EAE certification Learning Community Master (MSc) portfolio European Master Renewable Energy Master Sustainable Energy System management Master Energy 4 society (under dev) Partners Business partners Governmental partners Societal partners stakeholders Facilities Energy Value Chain Energy Barn EnTranCe Applied Research Hybrid energy system design & Management Alternative gasses and hybrid-fuels Energy interventions and behaviour, public support and communication New economic realities, labour market, governance and legal aspects in the energy sector Sustainable communities and local initiatives

Integrale zwaartepuntsvorming (Veerman) Onderwijs; portfolio van 20 energieroutes binnen het bachelor onderwijs en een masterporfolio van 4 energiemaster. Sinds 2012 ca 1000 studenten meer dan 15 ECTS Energie, Bijna 350 studenten op Entrance Onderzoek; samenhangende vraaggestuurde onderzoeksthema’s meer dan 4 miljoen Euro onderzoeksvolume pj, bijna 100 projectpartners uit het bedrijfsleven Ondernemerschap; startup en accelerator programma . Nu jaarlijks 10-15 startups, 5 bedrijven in opstartfase op EnTranCe. Groei naar 8 strategische partners.