The power of compassion in medicine Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. - Dalai Lama
Inhoud 1.Psychiatrie 2.Empathie Medeleven 3.Neurobiologie 4.Medeleven trainen 5.Medeleven is…
1. Psychiatrie
Gesprek = Anamnese+Klinisch Onderzoek+Behandeling
2. Empathie Medeleven
Cave empathie burn-out 43%
I would rather feel compassion than know the meaning of it. - Thomas van Aquino
3. Neurobiologische basis
Empathie Medeleven Differential pattern of functional brain plasticity after compassion and empathy training. Olga M. Klimecki, Susanne Leiberg, Matthieu Ricard, Tania Singer Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci Jun; 9:
4. Medeleven trainen
5. Medeleven is… Inleven in het lijden van de ander Warme, liefdevolle, begripvolle houding tegenover stellen.
Compassion is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.
Bronnen Differential pattern of functional brain plasticity after compassion and empathy training. Olga M. Klimecki, Susanne Leiberg, Matthieu Ricard, Tania Singer Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci Jun; 9: Resident physician burnout: is there hope? Family Medicine. 2008; 40:626-32