Communicatie door en met Informatiesystemen Gisela Redeker met materiaal van prof.dr. John Bateman (Universität Bremen)


Verwante presentaties
Requirements -People are able to make their own memorial page, called a memori -The website will be build first in Dutch for, then copied.

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Oriëntatie op CIW Hoorcollege 6: Communicatie door en met Informatiesystemen Gisela Redeker met materiaal van prof.dr. John Bateman (Universität Bremen)
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Transcript van de presentatie:

Communicatie door en met Informatiesystemen Gisela Redeker met materiaal van prof.dr. John Bateman (Universität Bremen)

Persoon Computer Persoon of organisatie Persoon Computer Human-computer interaction (bijv. tekstverwerking, database) Computer als gereedschap Computercommunicatie Computer-mediated communication (bijv. , websites) Computer als medium

Informatiesysteem Data Computer Persoon

Example: the Dart bio information system: Artist Biographical Data Authors A A A A A A A A A Automatic and Semi-automatic information extraction Data Structured Knowledge Base User User Interface Information Retrieval Visualisation and Natural Language Generation

Example: the ILEX system: Interactive Web-based Museum Explorer (University of Edinburgh) Museum Curators Form-based information input interface Data Structured Knowledge Base Visualisation and Natural Language Generation User Web-browser Information Request Handler

University of Edinburgh ILEX System startup page Automatic webpage generation from an annotated data base

Communiceren met multimediale informatiesystemen van tekst tot tekst-en-beeld analyseren van multimediale presentaties

Plumage white, save the wing quills, which are dark brown, not black as usually stated. The fledgling blackish-slate, spotted white. Immature till the third or fourth year, and recognized by the dark brown, chiefly on the back, wings, and tail, which colour diminishes season by season till at maturity reduced to the brown of the wing quills. ADULT:White, black wing-tips, yellow nape. JUVENILE: Grey, gradually becoming white over 5 years. The plumage is white with a tinge of buff on the head and neck and dark brown, almost black, wing-tips. Immatures are first dusky all over, later piebald or white sprinkled with dark spots Van tekst naar tekst-en-beeld (de jan-van-gent)

GEM project: ‘Genre and Multimodality’ ( Analyse van multimedia-communicatie Inhoudsanalyse: wat wordt er gezegd? Lay-out analyse: –welke lay-out elementen zijn er? –wat is hun hiërarchische structuur? Retorische analyse: wat is de tekststructuur? Ondersteunt de lay-out de retoriek?

Arctic Explorer’s Outfit

Tekststructuur met ‘retorische relaties’ De ontdekkings- reiziger beschermt zich tegen de kou met veel warme kleding elaboration windproof top balaclava woollen underclothing trousers boots mittens ‘material’ joint


Lay-out en tekststructuur G pagina ABCDEF

Content Analysis quality of visionhow the eye works quality of hearing appearance of ear spotsfunction of ear spots appearance of coatfunction of appearance of coat function of canine teethfunction of molars function of clawsbehavior of claws when walking

Retorische tekststructuur Tiger:pic body parts Tiger: mouth (pic) caninesmolars elaboration back of ears (pic) white spots function background hearing coat purpose function of stripes eyes means coating claws (pic) claws retract why purpose attributes weight height diet length maturity season lifespan young gestation body tail relationshipscomparisons elaboration background joint

Lay-out A1 A2 A9A7 A6 A5A4A3 A8

Lay-out  Tekststructuur tekening gemengd titel tekstblok eyes ears coat mouth teeth claws soort element:

Informatiesystemen Gegevens moeten voorbereid en gestructureerd worden De gegevens moeten flexibel gepresenteerd kunnen worden [  John Nerbonne] De presentatie moet interactie met de gebruiker ondersteunen [  Johan Haasjes]