Lamb to the Slaughter Who or what is ‘the Lamb to the Slaughter’ in this story?


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Lamb to the Slaughter Who or what is ‘the Lamb to the Slaughter’ in this story?

Leerdoelen: Je kunt aangeven welke informatie relevant is. Je kunt de hoofdgedachte van een tekst aangeven. Je kunt de betekenis van belangrijke elementen van een tekst aangeven. Je kunt conclusies trekken m.b.t. de intenties van de auteur. Je kunt een eenvoudige, maar ook gedetailleerde beschrijving maken over een bekend onderwerp. Je kunt aangeven welke informatie relevant is. Je kunt de hoofdgedachte van een tekst aangeven. Je kunt de betekenis van belangrijke elementen van een tekst aangeven. Je kunt conclusies trekken m.b.t. de intenties van de auteur. Je kunt een eenvoudige, maar ook gedetailleerde beschrijving maken over een bekend onderwerp.

In this class: Read ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ in class Discuss the story in class Writing assignment: You are going to decide which one you want to do, and if you are going to work alone or in a pair. Exchange of work with whomever you choose and give feedback. Read ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ in class Discuss the story in class Writing assignment: You are going to decide which one you want to do, and if you are going to work alone or in a pair. Exchange of work with whomever you choose and give feedback.

Writing assignment choice 1 What - choice 1: Imagine that Mrs Maloney was caught for the crime she committed, and that you are Mrs Maloney’s lawyer. Write a plea in which you claim that she is not guilty. Give at least three arguments. Write at least 75 words. What - choice 1: Imagine that Mrs Maloney was caught for the crime she committed, and that you are Mrs Maloney’s lawyer. Write a plea in which you claim that she is not guilty. Give at least three arguments. Write at least 75 words.

Writing Assignment choice 2 What - choice 2: Write a newspaper article in which you write about Mrs Maloney’s conviction. What was she convicted for? What was the sentence? Do you agree with that? (give at least two arguments) Write at least 75 words. Make sure your article has a catchy headline. What - choice 2: Write a newspaper article in which you write about Mrs Maloney’s conviction. What was she convicted for? What was the sentence? Do you agree with that? (give at least two arguments) Write at least 75 words. Make sure your article has a catchy headline.

Writing assignment Why To practise your writing skills. How Work by yourself or in pairs How long 18 minutes Exchange With another individual or pair. Decide on what aspect you want to give feedback (convincing arguments/ coherence/ originality/ grammar/ vocabulary/ spelling). Why To practise your writing skills. How Work by yourself or in pairs How long 18 minutes Exchange With another individual or pair. Decide on what aspect you want to give feedback (convincing arguments/ coherence/ originality/ grammar/ vocabulary/ spelling).