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GepubliceerdMartina Smits Laatst gewijzigd meer dan 10 jaar geleden
Deltion College Engels B1 Lezen [no. 001] can-do : 2 products compared
Tijd opdracht: 1 SBU. 45 minuten maken eigen opgave; 15 min
Tijd opdracht: 1 SBU 45 minuten maken eigen opgave; 15 min. meerkeuzevragen Eindprodukt: a.eigen produktvergelijking b. antwoorden op open vragen of meerkeuzevragen; c. wordlist Nodig: woordenboek + internet
Situation You would like to buy an English, American or Australian product through the internet. -before you decide which make or brand you are going to buy, you want to compare some of the products that are on the market. -so you are going to search the net to find more information about the product of your choice. -finally, you formulate the pros and cons of the product and send an in Dutch (!) to a friend to ask him or her for advice.
Assignment for 1 student no teamwork no roleplay
Tip: First have a go at the exam questions! This will train your reading skills
Assignment: 1. First read the exam texts in which products are compared. 2. Answer the Multiple Choice Questions.
VBO – Mavo D exam texts 1,2,3 and 4 : print pages with text first!
In order to practise reading: Print the text on the next page if you cannot read it properly. Read quickly. Underline key-words. Don’t look up difficult words now. Answer questions. Finally look up difficult words in a dictionary. Write words and context in your word-list.
Text 1
Text 2
Text 3
Text 4
Assignment: 1. Now think of an English, Australian or American product you would like to buy through the internet. 2. Go to and try to find at least two sites offering different makes of your product. 3. Make a list of pros and cons of each offer.
4. Schrijf tot besluit een tje in het Nederlands waaruit blijkt dat je de Engelse informatie over de produkten goed begrepen hebt . Richt de aan een vriend(in). Vermeld in je in elk geval: - welke websites je gebruikt hebt - noem de merken van de produkten - beschrijf welk produkt het beste lijkt - geef minimaal 4 redenen waarom, denk daarbij aan de prijs welke kleuren leverbaar hoe snel leverbaar gebruikersgemak (indien van toepassing) ……….
You have done this assignment successfully if you can compare product information easily and quickly. If you can write a short message to a friend to ask for advice. If you can quickly find the correct information, as tested in the Cito exam texts.
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