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Deltion College Engels B1 Schrijven [Edu/004]/ subvaardigheid lezen thema: reporting a theft can-do : kan formulieren waarin meer informatie gevraagd wordt, gedetailleerd invullen
SBU: 1,5 Eindprodukt: a. printed version of filled out form of a reported theft b. vocabulary (30 words) Needed: dictionary, internet
Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je redelijk correct een formulier kunt invullen waarin je voor de politie en de verzekering omschrijft wat er van je gestolen is.
Situation You were on holiday when a pickpocket got the wiser of you. On leaving the Tube station, you found your backpack a lot lighter… Because you have a good travel insurance, for which you need an official police statement you decide to go to the police to report the theft. At the police station you have to fill out a computer form in which you give a detailed description of the stolen goods. Make a list of at least 5 items which you have to describe and report as being stolen.
Assignment: fill in the form that you can find on the following site: fill in the form but DO NOT SEND IT – THIS IS AN EXERCISE ONLY! Print the form, once you have filled it out, and submit it to your teacher for grading.
Assignment for 1 student no teamwork no roleplay Tip: to practise with describing goods in detail go to the following page. If time left, also read the article on fraud, final page
Describing objects – idiom exercise When you describe objects, you will need vocabulary dealing with: Value Shape Size Colours Materials Brand names For each of these categories think of 5 Dutch words. Examples: value – kostbaar, sentimentele waarde …… shape – vierkant, rechthoekig, …. and work out what the English equivalents are. Consult a dictionary if necessary.
Extra: article from the Guardian Click to return to the beginning Should you be thinking of reporting more than was actually stolen, read the following article first….., 2763,984869,00.html How much chance of getting away with it???
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