Vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Beyond Object-Orientation?

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Presentatie over: "Vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Beyond Object-Orientation?"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Beyond Object-Orientation?

2 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Trends -- modeling patterns -- examples of design UML -- Unified Modeling Language Technologies -- components Web -- global infrastructure CORBA/DCOM - the software bus Java -- the platform? Challenges Applications -> Frameworks <- Patterns

3 vrije Universiteit amsterdamPostacademische Cursus Informatie Technologie Challenges in O-O vertical framework development -- finance, medical care, insurance separation of 'logic' from 'control' -- business rules distributed object technology -- heterogeneous systems visualisation -- structure and processes knowledge intensive applications -- declarative heterogeneous systems - fragmented applications

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