Deltion College Engels B1 Lezen [Edu/002] thema: But I ‘ve read it in… can-do : kan hoofdthema en belangrijkste argumenten begrijpen van eenvoudige teksten.

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1 Deltion College Engels B1 Lezen [Edu/002] thema: But I ‘ve read it in… can-do : kan hoofdthema en belangrijkste argumenten begrijpen van eenvoudige teksten in tijdschriften © Anne Beeker Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van dit programma mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij ektronisch, etc.etc. zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteursrechthebbende.

2 Needed SBU: 2 Endproduct: a. prints of 4 articles b. 4 summaries Needed: internet and (on-line) dictionary

3 Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je hoofdthema en de belangrijkste argumenten kunt begrijpen in (eenvoudige) teksten in tijdschriften. Het tijdschrift behandelt onderwerpen die behoren tot je interessegebied.

4 Situation You have an interest or hobby which is shared by so many people, that specialized magazines are published about this hobby or interest. You also know various people in your class/ group who share your interest. Examples are: cars, sports, video-games, films, fashion etc. You decide to read a couple of articles in English magazines about your interest or hobby – what have they got to offer that Dutch magazines don’t??

5 Assignment for 2 students teamwork no roleplay Tip: Read the instructions on making summaries on the final pages of this assignment.

6 Assignment: Go to the website where you can subscribe to English magazines by clicking on the following icon: and select a magazine which seems to offer articles about your hobby or interest. Next find the magazine’s website – just search for the magazine’s title with the help of Google. Once you have found a good magazine’s site, make up your mind which articles you would like to read together with your partner. Make prints and divide the work: who is going to write which summary? When you have finished, give your summary to your partner for correction. When you are satisfied with the results, hand them in to your teacher. Do read the tips on how to write summaries (see next pages!)

7 How to write good summaries: THERE ARE THREE STEPS IN WRITING A SUMMARY: Step 1: READ AND REMEMBER First, READ the text, doing your best to remember important ideas and information. T hen, make notes on everything you can REMEMBER without looking back at the text.  Don't worry about being completely neat, organized, or accurate.

8 How to write good summaries: Step 2: RESEARCH AND REORGANIZE  Now go back to the text and RESEARCH your notes. Correct faulty information, add new information, and think about how the article is organized. What is stressed? What is important?  REORGANIZE your notes in a list or outline, putting ideas together.

9 How to write good summaries: Step 3: WRITE AND REVISE  WRITE your summary from your notes, NOT FROM THE TEXT. This will help insure that you are summarizing, not copying the original. Check the text one more time to make sure you are accurately reporting its ideas and information.  REVISE your summary one last time, checking carefully for mechanics such as grammar and spelling. The instructor may not require it, but a typed, double-spaced summary is best. Klik om naar begin van de opdracht te gaan

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