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Past Perfect. voorbeelden When he arrived the train had already left. I fell asleep after my mum had read me a bedtime story. Michael hadn’t seen the.

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Presentatie over: "Past Perfect. voorbeelden When he arrived the train had already left. I fell asleep after my mum had read me a bedtime story. Michael hadn’t seen the."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Past Perfect

2 voorbeelden When he arrived the train had already left. I fell asleep after my mum had read me a bedtime story. Michael hadn’t seen the man until he ran away. Past Perfect

3 vorm When he arrived the train had already left. I fell asleep after my mum had read me a bedtime story. Michael hadn’t seen the man until he ran away. dus: had + ww-ed / 3 e vorm Past Perfect

4 vorm (2) +The train had left. ?Had the train left? -The train hadn’t left. Past Perfect

5 gebruik als twee dingen na elkaar in het verleden gebeurd zijn Past Perfect the train had leftwhen he arrived

6 gebruik (2) Past Perfect the train had leftwhen he arrived je gebruikt past perfect voor wat het eerst gebeurd is en past simple voor wat daarna kwam

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