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GepubliceerdLeona Smeets Laatst gewijzigd meer dan 9 jaar geleden
Deltion College Engels B2 En Spreken/Presentaties [Edu/005] Thema: What you see here, is… Can-do : kan duidelijke, samenhangende verhalen vertellen © Anne Beeker Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van dit programma mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij ektronisch, etc.etc. zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteursrechthebbende.
Tijd opdracht: 2 SBU 1.75 SBU to prepare; 0.25 SBU for presentation End products: of approx. 10 minutes b. list of new words Needed: the “object”, dictionary
Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je iets wat je meegemaakt hebt in samenvatting kunt doorvertellen, voorzien van commentaar. Je woordenschat is toereikend om een duidelijke beschrijving te geven. Je maakt gebruik van complexe zinsvormen. Er is sprake van een natuurlijke uitspraak en intonatie. Er zijn weinig opvallende lange pauzes. De tekst is coherent (d.w.z. er zit duidelijke samenhang in).
Situation You own a special object, piece of equipment, picture, souvenir – that draws people’s attention whenever they visit you. An English speaking person is intrigued by this thing. You tell him or her the whole story of where you obtained it, how, why…
Assignment for 1 student no roleplay no teamwork Tip: read the following pages for more instructions. First work with the idiom assignment!
Idiom – describing objects Imagine that your listener is blind. Now make a list of words that you would need to describe your ‘object’ to a non-seeing person. Avoid non-descriptive adjectives such as large, small, big etc. A good way to extend your vocabulary, is to use a so-called ‘thesaurus’ in which words are grouped according to degree of meaning. Click here to study an example with the word ‘large’. Obviously, you can enter new search words in the ‘yellow slot’ at the top of the
Instructions (1) 1) Naturally, you will need a real object, thing, souvenir, book, picture, poster, sweater, animal (?!) – something that can serve as the object/thing that draws everybody’s attention, the thing you are going to talk about in this presentation. In order to give an interesting ‘talk’ on this object, you will have to build up some tension. Think of an interesting opening sentence, one that may intrigue people… Click here for some suggestions.
Instructions (2) 2) To structure your talk, it will help to first make a random list of things that spring to mind: Where did you get this ‘object’? Why did you get it? What is it made of? What is its value, approximately? How does it function? What is its age? Etc. etc. It helps to think of the so-called ‘Wh-words’ (which, what, where, why etc.) ask yourself questions and think of possible explanations or answers. Look up words you don’t know in a good dictionary.
Instructions (3) 3) Next put your notes in a logical order. Remember, your talk has to last between 5 to 10 minutes. It is quite likely that the background story will take up the bulk of your ‘presentation’. Make sure to use the past tense correctly. 4) People’s attention tends to drop after two or three minutes. So try to think of ways to keep your listener interested. This can be done by using simple tricks, e.g. by involving the listener in your talk (what do you think…./can you guess what…etc.), by pointing at a particular detail, by demonstrating a unique quality of your object etc. etc. 5) Make sure to round off in a clear and precise way.
Extra grammatical exercises Click here to practise with the past tense simple and past continuous Grammar link: past tense (1)past tense past tense (2) To brush up your theoretical knowledge, click To practice complex sentences, click
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