Nothing Is As It Seems Lesson 7 What’s the Story?.

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Presentatie over: "Nothing Is As It Seems Lesson 7 What’s the Story?."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Nothing Is As It Seems Lesson 7 What’s the Story?

2 What are we going to do? -Je gaat lezen over een meisje met een bijzondere eigenschap -Je gaat foto’s van haar bekijken en een artikel lezen over haar op -Je gaat in een groep praten over de foto’s en tekst van dit artikel -Je gaat bij haar artikel een reactie schrijven (to post a comment) - Je gaat werken in een groep van 4.

3 Step 1 Look at Photo 1: Discuss in your group your ideas of what you see in this picture. What could the photo be about? Assignment: Write down In the first picture we see..... Photo 1

4 Step 2 “I was standing at a check out till, when I saw an old couple whispering and staring at Honey-Rae’s leg. I was shocked and angry. It was the first time I had taken my daughter out without covering her leg up. Seeing the couple pointing at my daughter confirmed all my worries and fears. People are so cruel without even realising it.” Read the text Discuss in your group what the text may be about.... Look up words if you need to. Assignment: Write down We think the text is about.....

5 Step 3 Look at Photo 2: Discuss in your group your ideas of what you see in this picture. What could the photo be about? Assignment: Write down In this picture we see..... Photo 2

6 Step 4 You have seen 2 pictures and read a short text. They belong to an article which is posted online on What do you think this story might be about? Discuss this in your group. Assignment: Write down We think the article might be about.....

7 Step 5 birthmark-honey-rae/ Now read the complete article about Honey-Rae online. Think about what you could say to Honey-Rae and her parents. Read the comments that are posted by other people at the bottom of the article. Assignment: Write down Your own feelings about this article. You can post your reaction (comment) on the website.

8 Homework -Find at least 15 words that you would need to tell this story. -Go to and make a WORDLE of it. Post it on our class website or print it and bring it to class next week.

9 What do you think? About the lesson? What have you learned? Was it a special topic?

10 Goals: Lezen, spreken, schrijven Een opmerking (comment) of mening posten, samen het verhaal ontdekken aan de hand van foto’s en tekst.

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