Deltion College Engels C1 Schrijven [Edu/007] thema: Mind twister or how to write an essay… can-do : kan heldere, goed gestructureerde uiteenzetting schrijven.

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1 Deltion College Engels C1 Schrijven [Edu/007] thema: Mind twister or how to write an essay… can-do : kan heldere, goed gestructureerde uiteenzetting schrijven © Anne Beeker/ Merit

2 SBU: 2-3 20 minutes orientation various possibilities 25 minutes sketching ideas – 15 minutes writing essay plan 60-120 minutes writing Endproduct: a. essay of approx. 350-400 words Needed: internet & dictionary

3 Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je een gedetailleerde uiteenzetting kunt schrijven in een zelfverzekerde, persoonlijke stijl die aangepast is aan de lezer die je in gedachten hebt.

4 Situation You have taken part in an international email exchange programme. At the school you worked with, an (international) magazine is published once every six months. You decide to submit an essay for publication, arguing a case which you know would interest your peer group.

5 Assignment: write an essay on a topic which you know will interest people of your own age. The topic should be (slightly) controversial – you would like to prove to the reader of your essay that your point of view is right (or at least worth considering…) The following may be of help: What topic is so important to you that you could easily get in a debate about it? Is your point of view a controversial one? How could you convince somebody else that you are right? Make a list of arguments.

6 Assignment for 1 student no teamwork no roleplay Tip: on the next page you will find a link to a site that will help you write an essay on-line! Good practice…

7 Please click here for a free tuition to essay writing!here If you like, you can submit the essay written in this guided way as your subscription to the school magazine.

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