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GepubliceerdCornelis Moens Laatst gewijzigd meer dan 10 jaar geleden
Deltion College Engels B1 Schrijven [Edu/006] thema: to a prisoner – Amnesty International can-do : kan korte tekst schrijven volgens een vast format © Anne Beeker Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van dit programma mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij ektronisch, etc.etc. zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteursrechthebbende. Take Action! Help Free Rebiya Kadeer, Prisoner of Conscience in China Rebiya Kadeer founded and directed a large trading company in northwestern China, championed the rights of the Uighur ethnic group there, and became one of China's most prominent advocates of women's rights. All these activities came to an abrupt halt in August 1999. As she entered a hotel to discuss human rights with U.S. Congressional staff visiting China, she was arrested.
Tijd opdracht: 1 SBU 30 minutes orientation 30 minutes writing card Endproducts: set of notes: what you should NOT write / what you should write a card to a so-called ‘prisoner of conscience’ Needed: internet, dictionary
Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je redelijk correct Engels hebt gebruikt, door vaste ‘routines’ toe te passen. Je schrijft een lopende tekst die over het algemeen in het geheel begrijpelijk is. Spelling en lay-out zijn accuraat genoeg om te volgen.
Situation Your attention was drawn to the action of Amnesty International to help so-called prisoners of conscience by writing them a card. You decide to join the action.
Writing assignment for one student no roleplay Tip: study the sample texts on Amnesty’s British website!
A first orientation: Go to the webpage of the Greetings Card Campaign by clicking Select a country where English is the spoken language or the language of communication. Select a person or organisation. Read the instructions and make notes: A) what you should NOT write B) what you should write Use the ‘salutation’ that Amnesty recommends.
Vocabulary development Finish the following expressions by filling the gaps with words from the green square. Consult if necessary. a.violated b.concerned c.released d.deteriorating e.touched f.denied 1) I heard your health is … 2) I am deeply … by your case. 3) I hope you will be … soon. 4) I am extremely …about medical treatment being 5)… 6) I believe your rights are being ….
Print the message you have written. Ask another student to have a look at your work and ask for suggestions. Next submit the text for correction by a teacher. Once you are satisfied with the end result, send the card if you so wish! Klik om naar begin van de opdracht te gaan
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