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GepubliceerdPetra Eilander Laatst gewijzigd meer dan 10 jaar geleden
Deltion College Engels B2 Gesprekken voeren [Edu/005]/subvaardigheid luisteren thema: ‘Pink pop and air-controllers on strike’ can-do : kan in een telefoongesprek een probleem oplossen of toelichten © Anne Beeker Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van dit programma mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij ektronisch, etc.etc. zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteursrechthebbende.
SBU: 1 End products: a. recording of a phone conversation b. word webs Needed: internet, cassette recorder, Digilab or a teacher for a final assessment
Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je telefonisch een probleem kunt oplossen dat ontstaat door een onverwachte gebeurtenis, in dit geval de staking van verkeersleiders.
Situation You are expecting an Irish friend who would like to go to the Pink Pop festival with you. On the news, you saw that the air controllers have gone on strike. You decide to phone to discuss alternative ways of travelling to the Netherlands.
Assignment for 2 students teamwork roleplay Tip: first do the idiom and listening exercises on the next pages
1Together with a partner(s) draw up a list of 15 expressions on the theme ‘travel arrangements’. If you cannot think of the English word, use a dictionary to look it up. 2Now make a word web with the words you found. The following link may be useful: Http:// This is an English – English dictionary. Just type in the word ‘delay’. What collocations* can you find? Http:// *collocation = fixed combinations (e.g. you always talk of ‘a long delay’, etc.) Travel arrangements
You are going to conduct a phone conversation. Just to brush up your vocabulary, click here for more Do some of the exercises and make some notes on how to start and round off phone conversations. Make sure you work on a computer that allows the downloading of sound fragments.
Assignment (role 1, Dutch host) Your friend was going to fly from Dublin to Amsterdam. Try and find alternative ways of transportation. Use internet to find out what possibilities there are. Now think of what you are going to tell: make a list of points and jot them down. Check for the right dates and starting and closing times.
Click here to go back to the beginning Assignment (role 2, Irish friend) When your Dutch friend phones, You have three problems: a)Ticket already bought, not much money left b)You have got a new girl (boy) friend who is rather jealous c)You have to be back on the Monday to take exams.
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