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Deltion College Engels C1 Spreken [Edu/002] thema: A book that deserves to be read can-do : kan duidelijke, gedetailleerde samenvatting geven van een gelezen.

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Presentatie over: "Deltion College Engels C1 Spreken [Edu/002] thema: A book that deserves to be read can-do : kan duidelijke, gedetailleerde samenvatting geven van een gelezen."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Deltion College Engels C1 Spreken [Edu/002] thema: A book that deserves to be read can-do : kan duidelijke, gedetailleerde samenvatting geven van een gelezen werk © Anne Beeker Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van dit programma mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij ektronisch, etc.etc. zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteursrechthebbende.

2 SBU: 3 (reading of book NOT included) preparation: 2,5 15-20 min. presentation End product: a. presentation in English b. short summary/hand-out for audience Needed: book+ internet+ power point

3 Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je je boek duidelijk gestructureerd hebt besproken, kunt omgaan met vragen van je toehoorders, daarbij spontaan kunt reageren en fijnere nuances nauwkeurig kunt uitdrukken.

4 Situation You are preparing for your fluency exam and you have chosen your favourite book as subject for a presentation.

5 Assignment for 1 student no teamwork no roleplay Tip: read the hints about giving a presentation!

6 »Presentation 1. You may have to reread your chosen book. 2. Research the background history and factual data with the help of Internet. The following site may be useful if your title is a very literary one: click 3. A ‘classical’ discussion of a book includes: plot genre (romantic novel? psychological thriller? etc.) explanation of the title characterization (psychological portrait of the characters) time and place of action (where does the story take place, how much time passes in the book) possibly the type of language used (poetic, flowery, factual) some info on the author and possibly other works by him or her (only when relevant!)

7 Preparing for questions after your presentation Think of the reasons why this book is so special to you. Try and think of questions that your audience might want to put to you. Now prepare your power point presentation. Use at least 8 slides. In case you don’t have access to a beamer and laptop, prepare notes on so-called index cards which you can hide in your hands while speaking. You don’t know yet how to use powerpoint? Then click here! You prefer Dutch??!hereDutch

8 Some final reminders: 1. Check your equipment in time! 2. Structure your presentation: first I will tell you about…, then about…, finally I will… 3. Remember to look at your audience when you speak 4. Use illustrations in your power point and hand- outs for the audience!

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