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GepubliceerdMichiel Hermans Laatst gewijzigd meer dan 10 jaar geleden
Deltion College Engels B2 Spreken/presentaties/subvaardigheid lezen [Edu/002] thema: how stuff works can-do : kan de werking van een produkt uitleggen en zonder veel moeite vragen daarover beantwoorden
SBU: 2 (1,5 voorbereiding, 0,5 uitvoering) Eindprodukt: a. presentatie over de werking van ‘product naar keuze’ b. woordenlijst Nodig: internet & woordenboek
Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je een duidelijke, gedetialleerde beschrijving kunt geven over het door jou gekozen product, je gebruikt complexe zinnen en aarzelt weinig.
Situation You are interested in how things work. You would like to study something technical after finishing school. For technical studies you need a good knowledge of technical English. To practice talking about a technical topic in English you decide to read up about the workings of an everyday object or product and to give a presentation on this topic to a group of interested outsiders. CD-cross section
Assignment for 1 student no teamwork no roleplay Tip:lees eerst de volgende instructies!
A good site to go to for inspiration is Select an area of interest from the top bar on the home page!
In order to talk about things, you need words that can describe your object. See if you can do the following drawing game? Draw each of the items below, spending a maximum of six seconds on each: 1) a dotted line 2) a crooked line 3) an octagon 4) a pointed chin 5) a jagged edge 6) a hollow tree 7) a rough sea 8) a steep hill 9) a bumpy road 10) a sharp bend 11) a gentle curve 12) a smooth surface 13) rolling hills 14) wavy hair 15) a meandering river 16) undulating countryside 17) a calm sea 18) an oval face
Which word is being described below? When you can do this, you are doing very well with technical vocabulary! First letter One full-lenth perpendicular line is joined at the top and at its centre point by two parallel lines, the former slightly longer than the latter, extending to the right horizontally. Second letter A symmetrical, wedge-shaped figure: two straight but oblique lines slanting down to the base from a common point at the top; these are bisected by a single horizontal line Third letter A long vertical line is connected at two points – at the top and halfway down – to a curved, semi-circular line running to the right. From the centre intersection a sloping line drops to the baseline at an angle of 45 degrees to the perpendicular, again to the right. Ask your teacher for the answer.
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