Deltion College Engels B2 Schrijven [Edu/006] thema: Euromail can-do : kan in persoonlijke e-mails nieuws en standpunten van een ander becommentariëren.

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1 Deltion College Engels B2 Schrijven [Edu/006] thema: Euromail can-do : kan in persoonlijke e-mails nieuws en standpunten van een ander becommentariëren. © Anne Beeker Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van dit programma mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij ektronisch, etc.etc. zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteursrechthebbende.

2 Tijd opdracht: 4 SBU 4x60 minutes per email Endproducts: a logical series of 4 emails, exchanged with other students participating in the project. Needed: internet, password for the Exchange project (ask your teacher), dictionary

3 Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je in het kader van een briefuitwisseling met een school in het buitenland emails hebt uitgewisseld waarin je: redelijk correct Engels hebt gebruikt, met spelling en grammatica die mogelijk een enkele maal invloed van de moedertaal vertoont.

4 Situation Your school participates in an e-mail exchange project with a school abroad. Together with a classmate you are going to write a couple of e-mails.

5 Writing assignment for pairs of students no roleplay Tip: ask your teacher for the web site’s password!

6 A first orientation: Go to the webpage: And answer the following questions: 1) who was Grundtvig? 2) how many countries participate? 3) how many languages are involved? 4) on how many levels are there assignments? 5) which group are you in? 6) which weeks do you have to write in? Note them down in your diary!

7 Vocabulary development Study the following conjunctions and try to use them in your emails Consult if necessary. Phrases used when making generalisations: As a rulebroadly speakingeveryone would agree that generally speakingin many casesin most casesin some caes It is often said thatit is recognised thatit is sometimes said that Many people believeon the whole Phrases used when explaining exceptions: Apart frombut all the samebut every so often But now and thenbut in other casesbut in this one case but there are exceptions to every ruleexcept for Howeveron the other handto some extentto a certain extent

8 Now study the assignments set for your level. As you will see, there is plenty of room for your own initiative. Should you not be able to find a suitable email partner through this project, then try to find an E-pal by going to the following site:

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