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Paragraph 2.31.  People wanted to avoid war in the future.  League of Nations (1919) had failed.  In 1945: 2 nd try: United Nations.

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Presentatie over: "Paragraph 2.31.  People wanted to avoid war in the future.  League of Nations (1919) had failed.  In 1945: 2 nd try: United Nations."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Paragraph 2.31

2  People wanted to avoid war in the future.  League of Nations (1919) had failed.  In 1945: 2 nd try: United Nations.

3  Aims:  Maintain international peace and security  Develop friendly relations  Achieve international co-operation in solving problems  Be a centre for collective action.  51 countries signed it!  Now: 192 countries are a member


5  General Assembly ( Algemene Vergadering)  All countries meet and all have 1 vote.  2/3 majority is needed to agree on something.



8  (Veiligheidsraad)  Is the real power in the UN!  15 members, 5 are permanent:  = Britain, USA, France, SU and China  10 others are elected every 2 years.

9  De overige tien landen worden voor twee jaar gekozen  Elk jaar worden er vijf nieuwe landen gekozen.  Van deze tien landen zijn er - drie uit Afrika, - twee uit Azië, - twee uit Latijns-Amerika, - één uit Oost-Europa - twee uit een restgroep (West-Europa, Canada, Oceanië)  Het voorzitterschap van de Veiligheidsraad wisselt op de eerste dag van elke nieuwe maand, in alfabetische volgorde van de Engelse naam van de leden.



12  Decisions in the Security Council:  9 countries must agree  5 permanent members have Veto:  If 1 of them uses veto: no agreement!




16  Head of the UN.  Chosen by the General Assembly.  For 5-10 years  Every time a different continent.

17  International Court of Justice: for legal disputes  In The Hague

18  WHO.  Improve standard of health around the world.

19  Improve working conditions worldwide.

20  SU was against the UN, because they thought that USA had too much influence.  SU and USA vetoed each other's proposals.  UN couldn’t intervene in problems.  They did help in the Korean War, because SU didn’t show up at the meeting of the Security Council.

21  UN has mounted peacekeeping operations around the world:  Kosovo, Bosnia, Congo, Somalia, Rwanda

22  The end.

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