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Ronald van den Broek Leo van Buren Arjan van den Ende Pjotr Sanders Ruud Seriese Adelien Noordzij Inge van Rossum
Bewustwording Europees burgerschap Blik verbreden Grenzen overgaan Engelse taalvaardigheid vergroten Samenwerken in internationaal verband Kennismaken met een andere cultuur
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10-11oktvoorbereiding in Langogne okt – febhernieuwde e-mailuitwisseling voorbereiding ontvangstweek eind februarivoorlichtingsavond ontvangstweek/reisweek maart 2014ontvangstweek april/mei 2014reisweek De precieze data worden in Langogne afgesproken
Program exchange week Holland students 6th March – 13th March Saturday March 6th After your arrival at Schiphol Amsterdam Airport you will travel by bus to Ridderkerk. There we will welcome you at our school. At school we will offer you a small lunch. Afterwards your hosting family will take you to home. Sunday March 7th This day you will spend with your hosting family.Have fun! Monday March 8th Classes start at 9 o’clock this morning. In the morning we will show you our school. You will follow different classes in. In the afternoon we want to organise a sports tournament. So bring your trainers and sports clothes with you! Tuesday March 9th We leave at 8.15h with the bus to go to Kinderdijk and Delft. This day we want to learn you a lot about the history of Holland. We visit our famous windmills, the New Church and the Prinsenhof. In the afternoon we have a bowling tournament and a gourmetdiner. Wednesday March 10th We start classes at 8.30h in the morning. This day the central theme will be “Pride”. In different workshops we want you to learn why we can be pride of Europe and its inhabitants. Thursday March 11th We meet at 8.30h at school and will visit a shipyard. Afterwards we will go with a ferry to the centre of Rotterdam. We will visit an exhibition about he port of Rotterdam and we will do a walking tour. You also get the opportunity to do some shopping. In the afternoon the ferry will bring us back to Ridderkerk.In the evening we have a dance program! Friday March 12thClass starts at 10h today. It’s a creative day In the morning we will make ‘souvenirs’ to keep the memory of this week alive. In the afternoon we have a lesson music and we start preparing for the goodbye-party we will have in the evening. We hope you show us something about your country by dancing, singing, acting or demonstrating sports. We want to make this a special and joyful evening. Saturday March 13thWe wave you goodbye at school. The bus will bring you to Schiphol Airport Amsterdam.
College Marthe Dupeyron Langogne Website:
Staedtische Erich Fried Gesamtschule
Er wordt getracht alle leerlingen te plaatsen naar hun voorkeur Er wordt getracht leerlingen van gelijke sexe te matchen Bij een gemengde match wordt gezorgd voor een aparte slaapplaats
De ouderbijdrage is beraamd op ongeveer 200 euro Inbegrepen: de activiteiten tijdens de ontvangstweek, vervoer naar en van het land en activiteiten in het land Niet inbegrepen: reisverzekering
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