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Ecce ama! Is een EQUAL project van ESF: bijdragen tot de ontwikkeling van de werkgelegenheid door het bevorderen van inzetbaarheid, ondernemerschap, aanpasbaarheid.

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Presentatie over: "Ecce ama! Is een EQUAL project van ESF: bijdragen tot de ontwikkeling van de werkgelegenheid door het bevorderen van inzetbaarheid, ondernemerschap, aanpasbaarheid."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 ecce ama! Is een EQUAL project van ESF: bijdragen tot de ontwikkeling van de werkgelegenheid door het bevorderen van inzetbaarheid, ondernemerschap, aanpasbaarheid en gelijke kansen, en door het investeren in menselijke hulpbronnen.

2 Jan Peeters Transnational co-ordinator ECCE AMA Director of VBJK, Training, Ressource and Research Centre for ECCE University of Ghent ecce ama! Is een EQUAL project van ESF: bijdragen tot de ontwikkeling van de werkgelegenheid door het bevorderen van inzetbaarheid, ondernemerschap, aanpasbaarheid en gelijke kansen, en door het investeren in menselijke hulpbronnen. The ECCE AMA project a collaboration between the three largest cities in Flanders, the governmental organisation, embrellar organisations for Childcare and training centres in ECCE

3 ecce ama! Is een EQUAL project van ESF: bijdragen tot de ontwikkeling van de werkgelegenheid door het bevorderen van inzetbaarheid, ondernemerschap, aanpasbaarheid en gelijke kansen, en door het investeren in menselijke hulpbronnen. Specific problem: -OECD(2001):level of training low or non existent -raising of number of complaints of parents (35%) - research (2004): link between low level of training and failure of entrepreneurs of small child care centres - need to raise the profile of childcare worker -need for genderbalance: difficult to find large number of female carers in future (Moss, 2003)

4 ecce ama! Is een EQUAL project van ESF: bijdragen tot de ontwikkeling van de werkgelegenheid door het bevorderen van inzetbaarheid, ondernemerschap, aanpasbaarheid en gelijke kansen, en door het investeren in menselijke hulpbronnen. Development of innovative training and instruments to meet new skills requirements: diversity in families inclusion of children with special needs, flexible childcare, high quality requirements, to illustrate the social function of child care in order to increase the accessibility to day care centres for socially deprived target groups to prepare low skilled /ethnic minorities men and women for a qualified job in the childcare sector as family day carer as auxiliary worker in local childcare initiatives in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.

5 ecce ama! Is een EQUAL project van ESF: bijdragen tot de ontwikkeling van de werkgelegenheid door hebevorderen van inztbaarheid, ondernemerschap, anpasbaarheid en gelijke kansen, en door het investeren in menselijke hulpbronnen. ECCE AMA wants to minimise the risk of the ‘ job machine approach ’ of splitting labourmarket into two tires by introducing a job category for care workers with lower qualifications, therefor we want to raise chances of risk groups on the labour market by - recognition of obtained competences - adapted training -learning them to work with ICT -offering a learing path to qualification the quality of employment in this area the quality of these specific services ECCE AMA want to move towards genderbalance by increasing the involvement of men in the day care centres as fathers and workers

6 Operational objectives ECCE AMA Objective 1: To develop a innovative blended learning (E-learning and traditional group training) for family day-carers Objective 2: To integrate the social function of childcare in the curriculum of childcare trainings (initial training, continuous training) Objective 3: To develop a quality framework for the integrated centres and to develop a training path for auxiliary workers in those centres Objective 4: to make a DVD about the different child care needs of parents in order to reconcile work and family life: -accessibility of family at risk into the child care centers -need for flexible qualitative childcare.

7 The common objectives of the TCA Setting quality standards for flexible child care services Developing new learning methods for auxiliary workers and family day carers, based on competence building. Developing an assessment instrument for the accreditation of prior learning experiences of auxiliary workers and family day carers Developing training modules to increase the quality of integrated services Developing an instrument for services for young children that is making gender aspects visible Production of DVD about the different child care needs of parents in order to reconcile work and family life: -accessibility of family at risk into the child care centers -need for flexible qualitative childcare.

8 TCA: - Luxembourg: QUALIflex - Qualität und Flexibilität in der Kinderbetreuung -Belgium (F & D): Accueil de l'enfance en province de Luxembourg: coordination et developpement -Belgium (Fl) ECCE AMA, Childcare in learning networks -Germany: ABC A - Arbeit B - Betreuung C – Chancengleichheit -Italy: CO.P.IN - Cooperare per l'infanziaLithuania: -FORWARD! Šeima ir darbas suderinami

9 Contribution of EQUAL- ECCE AMA project in Flanders (Belgium): More professionalisation by increasing competences of family day carers and auxiliary workers- and so avoiding split of labour market Gender balance - information about intake and thresholds of male students in schools for child care (research university Ghent) – involving fathers in education of their young children largest training centres of Flanders work together in e-learning experiment to reduce costs of dissemination




13 ecce ama! Is een EQUAL project van ESF: bijdragen tot de ontwikkeling van de werkgelegenheid door het bevorderen van inzetbaarheid, ondernemerschap, aanpasbaarheid en gelijke kansen, en door het investeren in menselijke hulpbronnen. Dessimination of results of TCA: on European level

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