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GepubliceerdSamuël Hendriks Laatst gewijzigd meer dan 10 jaar geleden
Birthdays Contents 1. School birthdays 2. Childrens’ parties 3. Songs and games
School birthdays When celebrating a birthday at school we first sit in a circle sing birthday songs. When we have done that the birthday boy or girl treats us to sweets. The birthday boy or girl then goes round the different classes and treats the teachers to sweets. With the teachers birthday we give him or her a gift and we play games all day.
School birthday pictures
Childrens’ parties In group eight we give parties without parents and some times with dj’s. But normally we put a cd on or download music from the internet.
Songs Birthday songs Hoera, hoera, is de koffie nog niet klaar Nee, nee, nee, nee, geef dan maar een kopje thee lang le-ee-ve, lang le-ee-ve, lang leve honderd jaar. Honderd jaar in leven, honderd jaar in leven, Honderd jaar in leven, in de gloria. In de glo-ria, in de glo-ria. Hieperderpiep HOERA
Birthday songs Twee violen en een trommel en een fluit, Want... die is jarig en de vlaggen hangen uit. Ei, ei ei, we zijn zo blij Want.... die is jarig en dan vieren wij Er is er één jarig, hoera, hoera, Dat kun je wel zien, dat is zij. We vinden dat allen zo prettig ja ja, En daarom zingen we blij: Zij leven lang, hoera, hoera, Zij leven lang, hoera, Zij leven lang, hoera, hoera, Zij leven lang, hoera!
games Chair dance We need : Chairs, children and music. We stand in the circle and dance round the chairs on the music. If the music stops they have to sit on a chair. One child can’t sit on a chair that child is out the circle. Until there is only one child left! The Winner. Bite on Sweets We need: Sweets, water, children and a bucket. You put sweets in the bucket with water. You try to get the sweets out of the bucket with your mouth.
The makers of the power point presentation This power point presentation is made by Wouter and Alex. Have fun with the power point presentation.
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