Sustainable employability in Tourism The human factor October 24, 2014 Where Europe Meets the Americas.

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1 Sustainable employability in Tourism The human factor October 24, 2014 Where Europe Meets the Americas

2 Indeling: Level 1 Cover

3 You can find us throughout the Netherlands We work withWe work with 12.853 Companies for 1.236.931 employees Every year we’ve gotEvery year we’ve got 353.000 contacts With clients in sectors including industry, education, government, healthcare, construction, transportation and business. Our clients rate us an average of 7.5 in service satisfaction.

4 Opsommingstekens in Arbo Unie stijl verwijderen of opnieuw aanbrengen? Gebruik dan alleen de groen gemarkeerde knoppen, niet de rood gemarkeerde! Sustainable Employability The ability of the individual to create an added long-term value to the workplace/organization. For their own benefit and for the respective organization.

5 Opsommingstekens in Arbo Unie stijl verwijderen of opnieuw aanbrengen? Gebruik dan alleen de groen gemarkeerde knoppen, niet de rood gemarkeerde! Tourism on Aruba and Health The aging population Increasing employability while focusing on: Physical problems Mental problems Working in shifts Individual accommodation leading to organizational problems Questions: Import workers from outside Aruba? What is feasible and what is realistic?

6 Opsommingstekens in Arbo Unie stijl verwijderen of opnieuw aanbrengen? Gebruik dan alleen de groen gemarkeerde knoppen, niet de rood gemarkeerde! Are your employees physically and mentally able to do their jobs? What is the average age group of your organization? How do you see developments within your sector/field of work? What developments do you see emerging in your organization/department? What would this possibly require of your staff? How do these upcoming changes have an affect on your present staff? Are they in a right frame of mind, or are they moving in the wrong direction? Does your staff seem involved in your organization? Will your employees physically and mentally be able to do their jobs in the future? The sustainable employability of your employees

7 Going from absenteeism to sustainable employability Absenteeism (4%) Focus on problems Focus on regulations and procedures Focus on past and present Employability (96%) Focus on solutions Focus on behavior Focus on future This creates Ownership (I want...), Initiative (I will...). This creates: Helplessness (I must...), Powerlessness (I can't...),

8 Opsommingstekens in Arbo Unie stijl verwijderen of opnieuw aanbrengen? Gebruik dan alleen de groen gemarkeerde knoppen, niet de rood gemarkeerde! What does employability mean? The individual factor: Open to experiences Self-confidence Endurance/perseverance Work and mental capacities Self-perception of own work capacity/employability Work orientation Health Lifestyle

9 Opsommingstekens in Arbo Unie stijl verwijderen of opnieuw aanbrengen? Gebruik dan alleen de groen gemarkeerde knoppen, niet de rood gemarkeerde! What does employability mean? The organizational factor: The content of the work package/assignment/contract Measure / indicators of physical strain Work schedule Career In leadership Perceptions of aging Compromises made in HR policies

10 Opsommingstekens in Arbo Unie stijl verwijderen of opnieuw aanbrengen? Gebruik dan alleen de groen gemarkeerde knoppen, niet de rood gemarkeerde! Medwork and Arbo Unie Support in making the right diagnosis for your organization Support in finding and creating the right solution

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