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Kantoorautomatisering Prof. dr. ir. W. Philips Didactisch materiaal bij de cursus Academiejaar 2010-2011

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Presentatie over: "Kantoorautomatisering Prof. dr. ir. W. Philips Didactisch materiaal bij de cursus Academiejaar 2010-2011"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Kantoorautomatisering Prof. dr. ir. W. Philips Didactisch materiaal bij de cursus Academiejaar 2010-2011

2 © W. Philips, Universiteit Gent, 2000-2011versie: 29/11/2010 11b. 2 Copyright notice This powerpoint presentation was developed as an educational aid to the renewed course “Office automation” (Kantoorautomatisering), taught at the University of Gent, Belgium as of the year 2000. This presentation may be used, modified and copied free of charge for non-commercial purposes by individuals and non-for-profit organisations and distributed free of charge by individuals and non-for-profit organisations to individuals and non-for-profit organisations, either in electronic form on a physical storage medium such as a CD-rom, provided that the following conditions are observed: 1.If you use this presentation as a whole or in part either in original or modified form, you should include the copyright notice “© W. Philips, Universiteit Gent, 2000-2002” in a font size of at least 10 point on each slide; 2.You should include this slide (with the copyright conditions) once in each document (by which is meant either a computer file or a reproduction derived from such a file); 3. If you modify the presentation, you should clearly state so in the presentation; 4.You may not charge a fee for presenting or distributing the presentation, except to cover your costs pertaining to distribution. In other words, you or your organisation should not intend to make or make a profit from the activity for which you use or distribute the presentation; 5. You may not distribute the presentations electronically through a network (e.g., an HTTP or FTP server) without express permission by the author. In case the presentation is modified these requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the presentation, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then these requirements do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the presentation, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. In particular note that condition 4 also applies to the modified work (i.e., you may not charge for it). “Using and distributing the presentation” means using it for any purpose, including but not limited to viewing it, presenting it to an audience in a lecture, distributing it to students or employees for self-teaching purposes,... Use, modification, copying and distribution for commercial purposes or by commercial organisations is not covered by this licence and is not permitted without the author’s consent. A fee may be charged for such use. Disclaimer: Note that no warrantee is offered, neither for the correctness of the contents of this presentation, nor to the safety of its use. Electronic documents such as this one are inherently unsafe because they may become infected by macro viruses. The programs used to view and modify this software are also inherently unsafe and may contain bugs that might corrupt the data or the operating system on your computer. If you use this presentation, I would appreciate being notified of this by email. I would also like to be informed of any errors or omissions that you discover. Finally, if you have developed similar presentations I would be grateful if you allow me to use these in my course lectures. Prof. dr. ir. W. PhilipsE-mail: Department of Telecommunications and Information ProcessingFax: 32-9-264.42.95 University of GentTel: 32-9-264.33.85 St.-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B9000 Gent, Belgium

3 Enkele richtlijnen omtrent het examen

4 © W. Philips, Universiteit Gent, 2000-2011versie: 29/11/2010 11b. 4 Het examensysteem… Het examen bestaat uit twee delen deel 1 (30 à 45 minuten): korte vragen, met een antwoord van maximaal 1 à 3 zinnen: -vooral over de theorie maar ook over de oefeningen -op papier -gesloten boek deel 2 (1u30 à 1u45): 1 tot 2 langere computeroefeningen -cfr. de oefeningenlessen -vergeet niet rekening te houden met de stijlregels Opmerkingen: de exacte tijdsduur zal afhangen van de gestelde vragen

5 © W. Philips, Universiteit Gent, 2000-2011versie: 29/11/2010 11b. 5 … Het examensysteem Het tweede gedeelte van het examen is open boek toegelaten: -afdrukken van de powerpoint-presentaties uit de theorie en oefeningenlessen -het boek over de Office-software niet toegelaten: -communiceren met andere studenten (mondeling, via GSM, via papier, …) -om het even welke computerverbindingen met andere studenten of met de buitenwereld, behalve om de opgave te downloaden en om de oplossing te uploaden -cdroms

6 © W. Philips, Universiteit Gent, 2000-2011versie: 29/11/2010 11b. 6 Deel 1 Mogelijke soorten vragen (niet limitatief) som twee belangrijke problemen op met de volgende slide (toegevoegd in bijlage) geef de definitie van … waar staat de afkorting … voor? wat is de betekenis van het anker in MSword geef de definitie van een matrixformule in Excel …

7 © W. Philips, Universiteit Gent, 2000-2011versie: 29/11/2010 11b. 7 Deel 2 Zie de vragen uit de oefeningenlessen en practica Zie de examenopgave van vorig jaar op de website

8 © W. Philips, Universiteit Gent, 2000-2011versie: 29/11/2010 11b. 8 Puntenverdeling De practica tellen mee voor 1/3 van de punten (6.7/20) Het examen telt mee voor 2/3 van de punten (13.3/20) de exacte verdeling tussen theorie en oefeningen hangt af van de gestelde vragen je mag verwachten dat vragen “i.v.m. de theorielessen” voor ongeveer 50% van de punten zullen meetellen (6 à 8 op 20) en vragen i.v.m. de oefeningenlessen ook voor ongeveer 50% (6 à 8 op 20)

9 © W. Philips, Universiteit Gent, 2000-2011versie: 29/11/2010 11b. 9 Vragen over de leerstof Vragen kunnen gesteld worden via email, als de vraag via e-mail kan beantwoord worden persoonlijk, na afspraak via e-mail Wie contacteer je? voor wat betreft de oefeningen: de assistenten voor wat betreft de theorie: de lesgever

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