Beheer van de restfractie

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Presentatie over: "Beheer van de restfractie"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Beheer van de restfractie

2 ? wat doe je wanneer je per ongeluk een oplossing hebt gemaakt van producten die je niet kan gebruiken op het gewas? Wat doe je als je per ongeluk 5l van GBM morst op de grond?

3 Algemene regel: PRODUCEER GEEN AFVAL
Spoel NOOIT geconcentreerde GBM door in gootsteen of riolering

4 Dump of verbrand nooit geconcentreerde GBM

5 Lege verpakkingen onder afdak plaatsen of bewaren in fytolokaal

6 Spoel lege verpakkingen grondig en spoelwater meteen bij spuitoplossing voegen

7 Indien product gemorst Vast: spade en zak
Vloeibaar: absorberend materiaal en zak PHYTOFAR RECOVER Foto: Bayer CropScience

8 Remnants Remnants are collected and managed according to the national regulations. Photo: Bayer CropScience, DK

9 Remnants Residues on the outside of containers may be washed off by rain. Therefore empty packaging should be stored under roof until delivery or on a impermeable area, where waste water is collected. 1: Pallet container is well suited for empty containers. Containers are not stored the right way up: risk of leakage. 2: Biobed – can be used according to national regulations 3: Buffer tank for quick and controlled filling of the sprayer 4: Table for measurement of PPP 5: External induction hopper Photo: DAAS

10 Remnant No management of empty PPP packages.

11 REMNANT DISPOSAL ISK, 2006 Author: G. Doruchowski Contaminated water course. In case of accidents immediate emergency actions are needed.

12 REMNANT DISPOSAL ISK, 2006 Author: G. Doruchowski The empty containers collected unattended and stored on open space

13 REMNANT DISPOSAL ISK, 2006 Author: G. Doruchowski The empty containres collected unattended and stored on open space

14 REMNANT DISPOSAL ISK, 2006 Author: G. Doruchowski It is not allowed to drain undiluted spray liquid in the field.

15 Not securely stored empty containers
Not securely stored empty containers. PPP containers not separated from other waste. No management of container disposal.

16 Remnant: No management of container disposal.

17 Remnant: Do not drain undiluted spray solution.

18 Remnant: Do not drain undiluted spray solution.

19 Remnant: Draining rinsing water directly in the field is only allowed if PPP is highly diluted.

20 Remnant: Do not drain rinsing water on the farm if there is no collection system.

21 Remnant: 1: No protective clothing. 2: Draining rinsing water directly in the field is only allowed if PPP is highly diluted.

22 Remnant: Draining rinsing water directly in the field is only allowed if PPP is highly diluted.


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