From computer power and human reason. Joseph Weizenbaum.

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Presentatie over: "From computer power and human reason. Joseph Weizenbaum."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 From computer power and human reason. Joseph Weizenbaum


3 . Wie is Weizenbaum? Professor computer science aan MIT. Humanist met nieuwe media achtergrond. Eigen versie van de Turing machine gemaakt, ELIZA. [1966] Maakt zich zorgen over de vraag of de computer niet teveel overneemt.

4 .Begin Anekdote Polanyi vs. Bukharin. ‘ the scientific outlook appeared to have produced a mechanical conception of man and history in which there was no place for science itself.’

5 ‘Obvious ideas which are universally credible are not always what they seem to be’. Shock omdat sommige mensen zijn werk verkeerd interpreteren.

6 .ELIZA a.k.a Doctor

7 .Wat is het? ‘I composed a computer program with which one could ‘converse’ in English’. Soort parodie op Rogerian psychotherapist. Werkt doordat bepaalde keywoorden in voorgeschreven zinnen worden geplaatst. Eerste echte human machine interaction.

8 . drie conclusies 1. ‘The program could grow into a nearly completely automatic form of psychotherapy’. - Helemaal niet de bedoeling dat dit zou gebeuren want menselijk contact juist heel belangrijk. [What is it about the computer that has brought the view of man as a machine to a new level of plausibility?]

9 2. Gebruikers heel snel emotioneel gehecht aan de computer/programma. - Nooit gedacht dat relatie tussen computer en mens zo sterk zou kunnen zijn. [Not surprising because after all, the instrument is an extension of man’s body]

10 3. ‘It spread the believe that it demonstrated a general solution to the problem of computer understanding of natural language’. [Mensen begrijpen computers vaak niet maar toch een blind vertrouwen. Dit komt door het idee dat het mogelijk is dat ze zelf denken.]

11 .debat Computers can, should and will do everything vs. Limits to what computers ought to be put to do. ‘The question is whether or not every aspect of human thought is reducible to a logical formalism, or, to put it into modern idiom, whether or not human thought is entirely computable’.

12 .losse gedachtes Rationality-is-logicality equation: bestaan er nog human values? [Skinner: nee] Scientific statements can never be certain; they can be only more or less credible.

13 .Eliza 2.0 Virtual woman Jabberwacky Friendbot

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