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Management bibliografische informatie deel 2 juli 2005 Universiteitsbibliotheek UM n EndNote 7.

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1 management bibliografische informatie deel 2 juli 2005 Universiteitsbibliotheek UM n EndNote 7

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3 informatie cyclus peer review literatuurdatabase zoekmachine bibliografische beschrijving schrijven literatuur verzamelen / lezen onderzoek / experiment ACTIVITEITEN publicatie manuscript zoeken

4 informatie cyclus peer review literatuurdatabase zoekmachine bibliografische beschrijving schrijven literatuur verzamelen / lezen onderzoek / experiment publicatie manuscript zoeken Endnote

5 Conclusions Current dietary guidance includes a recommendation for moderate reduction of sodium (Na) intake of US adults to less than 2400 mg (approximately 100 mmol) dissolved in water [H2O] per day. The safety of this recommendation tends to be taken for granted, but questions are raised periodically about possible adverse effects. We evaluated the evidence available to address these concerns. Relevant sources were identified through review of policy documents and a systematic MEDLINE search of articles published between 1984 and mid October 1995. Reviews and commentaries were selected to encompass the spectrum of arguments for or against possible adverse effects.

6 Conclusions Current dietary guidance includes a recommendation for moderate reduction of sodium (Na) intake of US adults to less than 2400 mg (approximately 100 mmol) dissolved in water [H2O] per day (Kumanyika, Sanders, Folkow). The safety of this recommendation tends to be taken for granted, but questions are raised periodically about possible adverse effects (Kumanyika). We evaluated the evidence available to address these concerns. Relevant sources were identified through review of policy documents and a systematic MEDLINE search of articles published between 1984 and mid October 1995. Reviews and commentaries were selected to encompass the spectrum of arguments for or against possible adverse effects (Weinberger, Weinberger, Narhinen, Kumanyika).

7 Conclusions Current dietary guidance includes a recommendation for moderate reduction of sodium (Na) intake of US adults to less than 2400 mg (approximately 100 mmol) dissolved in water [H2O] per day (1-3). The safety of this recommendation tends to be taken for granted, but questions are raised periodically about possible adverse effects (1). We evaluated the evidence available to address these concerns. Relevant sources were identified through review of policy documents and a systematic MEDLINE search of articles published between 1984 and mid October 1995. Reviews and commentaries were selected to encompass the spectrum of arguments for or against possible adverse effects (1, 4-6). References 1.Kumanyika SK, Cutler JA. Dietary sodium reduction: is there cause for concern. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 1997;16(3):192-203. 2.Sanders PW. Salt sensitive hypertension: lessons from animal models. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 1996;28(5):775-782. 3.Folkow B. Critical review of studies on salt and hypertension. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, part A 1992;14(1-2):1-14. 4.Weinberger MH. Salt sensitivity of blood pressure in humans. Hypertension 1996;27(3 Part 2):481-490. 5.Weinberger MH. Sodium sensitivity of blood pressure. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 1993;2(6):935-939.

8 Conclusions Current dietary guidance includes a recommendation for moderate reduction of sodium (Na) intake of US adults to less than 2400 mg (approximately 100 mmol) dissolved in water [H2O] per day (Folkow, 1992; Kumanyika & Cutler, 1997; Sanders, 1996). The safety of this recommendation tends to be taken for granted, but questions are raised periodically about possible adverse effects (Kumanyika & Cutler, 1997). We evaluated the evidence available to address these concerns. Relevant sources were identified through review of policy documents and a systematic MEDLINE search of articles published between 1984 and mid October 1995. Reviews and commentaries were selected to encompass the spectrum of arguments for or against possible adverse effects (Kumanyika & Cutler, 1997; Narhinen & Cernerud, 1995; Weinberger, 1993; Weinberger, 1996). References Folkow, B. (1992). Critical review of studies on salt and hypertension. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, part A, 14(1-2), 1-14. Kumanyika, S. K., & Cutler, J. A. (1997). Dietary sodium reduction: is there cause for concern. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 16(3), 192-203. Narhinen, M., & Cernerud, L. (1995). Salt and public health--policies for dietary salt in the Nordic countries. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 13(4), 300-306. Sanders, P. W. (1996). Salt sensitive hypertension: lessons from animal models. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 28(5), 775-782.

9 informatie opzoeken, opslaan en verwerken  Opzoeken van literatuur:  In catalogi  In bibliografische bestanden, zoals PubMed, PsycINFO, ERIC, Web of Science  Zelf gevonden of aangereikt  Opslaan in eigen database (EndNote programma)  Verwerken in eigen manuscript, paper, publicatie

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32 Disease patterns and health needs of Singaporeans CONCLUSIONS...The disease patterns and health needs of Singaporeans have altered dramatically over the last half-century as a result of both economic progress and socio-demographic change (Lupton, 1994; Marquis & Long, 1994; Ruwaard & Kramers, 1993). At the same time, chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer and heart disease have replaced infectious diseases as the major causes of death, as is the pattern in industrialized countries throughout the world. Health promotion for the next decade, aimed at reducing the levels of major lifestyle-related risk factors by providing a supportive environment for behavioural change (Mackenbach, 1994)...

33 Disease patterns and health needs of Singaporeans CONCLUSIONS...The disease patterns and health needs of Singaporeans have altered dramatically over the last half- century as a result of both economic progress and socio-demographic change (Lupton, 1994; Marquis & Long, 1994; Ruwaard & Kramers, 1993). At the same time, chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer and heart disease have replaced infectious diseases as the major causes of death, as is the pattern in industrialized countries throughout the world. Health promotion for the next decade, aimed at reducing the levels of major lifestyle-related risk factors by providing a supportive environment for behavioural change (Mackenbach, 1994)... REFERENCES Lupton, D. (1994). Medicine as culture : illness, disease and the body in western societies. London [etc.]: Sage Mackenbach, J. P. (1994). Ongezonde verschillen : over sociale stratificatie en gezondheid in Nederland. Assen: Van Gorcum. Marquis, M. S., & Long, S. H. (1994). The uninsured access gap: narrowing the estimates. Inquiry, 31(4), 405-414. Ruwaard, D., & Kramers, P. G. N. (1993). Volksgezondheid toekomst verkenning : de gezondheidstoestand van de Nederlandse bevolking in de periode 1950-2010. Den Haag: Sdu Uitgeverij Plantijnstraat.

34 bibliographycatalogueother endnote database search select import importfilter management save (download)

35 bibliographycatalogueother endnote database search select import importfilter management save (download) Adolescent offspring of depressed parents are at high risk (1). Cogni- tive restructuring therapy holds promise for preventing progression.

36 bibliographycatalogueother endnote database word search select import importfilter management publish text save (download) Adolescent offspring of depressed parents are at high risk (1). Cogni- tive restructuring therapy holds promise for preventing progression.

37 bibliographycatalogueother endnote database word search select import importfilter output management publish text save (download) Adolescent offspring of depressed parents are at high risk (1). Cogni- tive restructuring therapy holds promise for preventing progression.

38 bibliographycatalogueother endnote database word search select import importfilter output management publish text save (download) Adolescent offspring of depressed parents are at high risk (1). Cogni- tive restructuring therapy holds promise for preventing progression. References 1. Clarke, G.N., et al., A randomized trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2001. 58(12): p. 27-3

39 bibliographycatalogueother endnote database word search select import importfilter output management publish text save (download) Adolescent offspring of depressed parents are at high risk (1). Cogni- tive restructuring therapy holds promise for preventing progression. References 1. Clarke, G.N., et al., A randomized trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2001. 58(12): p. 27-3 Adolescent offspring of depressed parents are at high risk (Clarke 2001). Cognitive restructuring therapy holds promise for preventing progression. References Clarke, G. N. (2001). A randomized trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 58(12), 27-34.

40 bibliographycatalogueother endnote database word search select import importfilter output management publish text save (download) Adolescent offspring of depressed parents are at high risk (1). Cogni- tive restructuring therapy holds promise for preventing progression. References 1. Clarke, G.N., et al., A randomized trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2001. 58(12): p. 27-3 Adolescent offspring of depressed parents are at high risk (Clarke 2001). Cognitive restructuring therapy holds promise for preventing progression. References Clarke, G. N. (2001). A randomized trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 58(12), 27-34.

41 bibliographycatalogueother endnote database word search select import importfilter output management outputstyle publish text save (download) Adolescent offspring of depressed parents are at high risk (1). Cogni- tive restructuring therapy holds promise for preventing progression. References 1. Clarke, G.N., et al., A randomized trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2001. 58(12): p. 27-3 Adolescent offspring of depressed parents are at high risk (Clarke 2001). Cognitive restructuring therapy holds promise for preventing progression. References Clarke, G. N. (2001). A randomized trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 58(12), 27-34. Demonstrate

42 bibliographycatalogueother endnote database word search select import importfilter output management outputstyle publish text save (download) Adolescent offspring of depressed parents are at high risk (1). Cogni- tive restructuring therapy holds promise for preventing progression. References 1. Clarke, G.N., et al., A randomized trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2001. 58(12): p. 27-3 Adolescent offspring of depressed parents are at high risk (Clarke 2001). Cognitive restructuring therapy holds promise for preventing progression. References Clarke, G. N. (2001). A randomized trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 58(12), 27-34.

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