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GepubliceerdHenriette Sanders Laatst gewijzigd meer dan 10 jaar geleden
Requirements -People are able to make their own memorial page, called a memori -The website will be build first in Dutch for, then copied to English with -The memorial page will be saved when people finish with name, e-mail address and password -If not registering with name e-mail and password, people can login with their Facebook -There should be a login space on the memori page, so the owner can make changes afterwards -There will be a database function where all the memori’s will be stored -There should be space on the bottom of the memori to have a ad for affiliate marketing -The memori can contain up to 10 pictures, less is possible too -By opening one of the 10 pictures, it will be shown in a pop up carrousel and show all the other pictures -The memori can contain 1 portrait -The memori can contain 1 YouTube video embedded on the page, this is optional -There can be chosen out of 5 banners for the top of the memori page -There can be chosen out of 5 background colors -The URL of the memori can be chosen by the people themselves, after there will be ‘/xxxxxxxxxxx’. For example, no spaces possible -The memori page can be shared with twitter, Fcebook, Google+ and e-mail -There will be a condolence register on the memorial page - leaving a message in the register, people should fill in name, email address, title and message -The maker of the memori will receive an e-mail every time when a message is left in the condolence register -The person who makes the memorial can forget their password and ask to resend a new one automatically -On the homepage show the 4 last uploaded memori’s including (small) portrait picture -As the website owner I need a CMS so I can make changes in the text on the website, changes in the memori’s and change the banner on the homepage -The website should be readable at a tablet and Smartphone, both android and iOs.
Sample of homepage memori aanmaken
Sample of the form to be filled in
Voor- en achternaam dierbare Geboortedatum - overlijdensdatum Woonplaats dierbare Welkomstekst aan bezoekers (onder portret) Begrafenis/uitvaart info of vrije tekst (rechtsonder datum) 1 3 4 5 2 Maak hieronder uw memori aan. Na het opslaan kunt ook nog aanpassingen maken.
Kopieer de YouTube-link (optioneel) Kies de banner Kies de achtergrond Upload foto’s maximaal 10 7 8 10 9 Bedenk een internetadres voor de memori / 10 Kies als beheerder uw naam en wachtwoord naam Wachtwoord (kies deze zelf) e-mailadres Upload portretfoto 6 memori opslaan
Sample of the memori share Room for affiliate advertising
Step 1Step 2Step 3 Confirmation page Thank you for making the memori Fil in the form en upload foto’s etc.
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