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Ghent University– UGent

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Presentatie over: "Ghent University– UGent"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Ghent University– UGent
Ontwikkelingen in de installatietechniek voor nZEB-gebouwen M. De Paepe Onderzoeksgroep Technische Thermodynamica en Warmteoverdracht Department of Flow, Heat and Combustion Mechanics – Ghent University– UGent

2 Europese doelstellingen
In 2002,  Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), which set minimum efficiency standards for both residential and commercial buildings. 17 November 2009 : EPBD recast “ ... all new buildings would have to comply with tough energy-performance standards and supply a significant share of their energy requirements from renewables source after 2020.” …. Goedkeuring in het EP: 18 May 2010 ” …nearly zero - energy buildings “

3 Near Zero energy Buildings
2015 : alle nieuwbouw in Brussel passief ; 2020 bijna nul energie 2017 : alle nieuwbouwwoningen in Wallonië “bijna nul energie” woningen 2020 : alle nieuwbouwwoningen in Vlaanderen “bijna nul energie” woningen Ook bestaande woningen zullen aan een aantal voorwaarden moeten voldoen

4 Definitie International Energy Agency, Annex 40 : Towards N-ZEB :
Vijf randvoorwaarden voor de definitie : (1) boundary conditions (2) weighting system. (3) the net zero balance (4) the temporal energy match (5) the monitoring procedure and post occupancy protocol.

5 Break down of energy use in EU

6 Doel van een gebouw Comfort en productiviteit/fun Energy nodig voor :
Verwarming en koeling Ventilatie (elektriciteit) Sanitair warm water Verlichting (elektriciteit) Toestellen : kantoor, huishouden , fun

7 EPBD recast, energy performance is defined as (article 2):
‘energy performance of a building’ means the calculated or measured amount of energy needed to meet the energy demand associated with a typical use of the building, which includes, inter alia, energy used for heating, cooling, ventilation, hot water and lighting

8 EPBD recast definition for nearly zero-energy
‘nearly zero-energy building’ means a building that has a very high energy performance, as determined in accordance with Annex I. The nearly zero or very low amount of energy required should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from renewable sources produced on-site or nearby numerical indicator of primary energy use expressed in kWh/m2 per year.

9 REHVA TF nZEB taskforce
net zero energy building (ZEB) Energy use of ≤ 0 kWh/(m2 a) primary energy. nearly zero energy building (nZEB) Technically and nationally reasonable achievable energy use of > 0 kWh/(m2 a) primary energy, achieved with a combination of best practice energy efficiency measures and renewable energy technologies which may or may not be cost optimal.

10 ZEB – Energy Balance

11 Trias Energetica

12 Vermindering van de vraag
Doorgedreven isolatie Muren, daken, Ramen Doorgedreven luchtdichting Ventilatie met warmterecuperatie Daglichtsturing ,… Interne lasten verder reduceren Zonnewering, …

13 Zomer comfort : gevaar voor oververhitting : aarde-warmtewisselaars

14 Energie levering - Technieken

15 De warmtepomp

16 Warmtepompen en PV-panelen
Elektriciteit is de enige energievector

17 Technologische variaties
Verwarmen & koelen BEO-veld : boorgat energie opslag Energiepalen Ground

18 Energierecuperatie op ventilatie

19 The Energy Box

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