NINE TRUTHS ABOUT EATING DISORDERS Truth #1: Many people with eating disorders look healthy, yet may be extremely ill. Truth #2: Families are not to blame,

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Presentatie over: "NINE TRUTHS ABOUT EATING DISORDERS Truth #1: Many people with eating disorders look healthy, yet may be extremely ill. Truth #2: Families are not to blame,"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 NINE TRUTHS ABOUT EATING DISORDERS Truth #1: Many people with eating disorders look healthy, yet may be extremely ill. Truth #2: Families are not to blame, and can be the patients’ and providers’ best allies in treatment. Truth #3: An eating disorder diagnosis is a health crisis that disrupts personal and family functioning. Truth #4: Eating disorders are not choices, but serious biologically influenced illnesses. Truth #5: Eating disorders affect people of all genders, ages, races, ethnicities, body shapes and weights, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic statuses. Truth #6: Eating disorders carry an increased risk for both suicide and medical complications. Truth #7: Genes and environment play important roles in the development of eating disorders. Truth #8: Genes alone do not predict who will develop eating disorders. Truth #9: Full recovery from an eating disorder is possible. Early detection and intervention are important. ~~ Produced in collaboration with Dr. Cynthia Bulik, PhD, FAED, who serves as distinguished Professor of Eating Disorders in the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “Nine Truths” is based on Dr. Bulik’s 2014 “9 Eating Disorders Myths Busted” talk at the National Institute of Mental Health. Leading associations in the field of eating disorders also contributed their valuable input. The Academy for Eating Disorders along with other major eating disorder organizations (Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders, National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, National Eating Disorders Association, The International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals Foundation, Residential Eating Disorders Consortium, Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy & Action, Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association, Binge Eating Disorder Association, Eating Disorder Parent Support Group, International Eating Disorder Action, Project HEAL, and Trans Folx Fighting Eating Disorders) will be disseminating this document.

2 NEGEN WAARHEDEN OVER EETSTOORNISSEN Waarheid #1: Veel mensen met een eetstoornis zien er gezond uit, maar kunnen ontzettend ziek zijn. Waarheid #2: Gezinnen verdienen geen schuld en kunnen voor de patiënt en de hulpverlener de beste bondgenoot zijn. Waarheid #3: De diagnose eetstoornis is een gezondheidscrisis die het persoonlijke en gezinsleven ontwricht. Waarheid #4: Het hebben van een eetstoornis is geen keuze maar een serieuze ziekte die biologisch beïnvloed wordt. Waarheid #5: Eetstoornissen komen voor bij mensen van alle geslachten, leeftijden, etniciteiten, lichaamsvormen en gewichten, seksuele oriëntaties en sociaal economische statussen. Waarheid #6: Eetstoornissen gaan gepaard met een verhoogd risico op zowel suïcide als somatische complicaties. Waarheid #7: Erfelijkheid en de omgeving spelen een belangrijke rol in het ontstaan van eetstoornissen. Waarheid #8: Genen alleen voorspellen niet wie er een eetstoornis zal ontwikkelen. Waarheid #9: Volledig herstel van een eetstoornis is mogelijk. Vroeg detectie en snelle interventie zijn belangrijk. ~~ Produced in collaboration with Dr. Cynthia Bulik, PhD, FAED, who serves as distinguished Professor of Eating Disorders in the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “Nine Truths” is based on Dr. Bulik’s 2014 “9 Eating Disorders Myths Busted” talk at the National Institute of Mental Health. Leading associations in the field of eating disorders also contributed their valuable input. The Academy for Eating Disorders along with other major eating disorder organizations (Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders, National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, National Eating Disorders Association, The International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals Foundation, Residential Eating Disorders Consortium, Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy & Action, Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association, Binge Eating Disorder Association, Eating Disorder Parent Support Group, International Eating Disorder Action, Project HEAL, Trans Folx Fighting Eating Disorders, the Dutch Academy for Eating Disorder (NAE), and will be disseminating this document.

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