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London trip 2012 17th – 21rd December
London reis 2012 Begeleiders:Mentoren: H3A:Teun van Gelder H3A:Teun van Gelder H3C:Mariëla van der Linden H3C:Mariëla van der Linden H3D:Madelon Dibbets H3D:Madelon Dibbets H3E:Irena Krynicka H3E:Irena Krynicka Overige begeleiders: Yvette de Vré Terrence de Vries William Walraven Geert-Jan Nillesen Robin de Peijper Zanne de Visser
Vertrek: ma 17 december, 09.00 uur Het Bokt Thuiskomst: vrij 21 december, 07.00 uur, Het Bokt Klassen: H3A, H3C, H3D, H3E
Educatieve reis ! Als onderdeel van het TTO programma Als onderdeel van het TTO programma Opdrachten voor Biology en History Opdrachten voor Biology en History Shakespeare Workshop Shakespeare Workshop The Big London Assignment (BLA) The Big London Assignment (BLA)
Day 1:Monday 9.00Arrival at Bokt 9.00Arrival at Bokt 9.15Load bags into the bus 9.15Load bags into the bus 9.30Departure 9.30Departure ca. 16.30Arrival in London ca. 16.30Arrival in London 18.00 Dinner in Hostel 18.00 Dinner in Hostel 20.00Tube to town 20.00Tube to town 20.30London Eye and Evening Evening walk (Big Ben/ Buckingham Palace) 20.30London Eye and Evening Evening walk (Big Ben/ Buckingham Palace)
Day 2: Tuesday (morning) 8.00 Breakfast in Youth Hostel 8.00 Breakfast in Youth Hostel 9.30 Tube to Globe Theatre 9.30 Tube to Globe Theatre 10.30 Shakespeare Workshop, 10.30 Shakespeare Workshop, Globe Theatre 12.00 Lunch 12.00 Lunch
Day 2 Tuesday (afternoon-part 1) Either: 12.30 Tube to British Museum 12.30 Tube to British Museum 14.30 Visit Wembley 14.30 Visit WembleyOr: 12.30 Visit Camden or Covent garden with group 12.30 Visit Camden or Covent garden with group 14.30 British Museum 14.30 British MuseumOr 12.30 Watertaxi Greenwich 12.30 Watertaxi Greenwich 14.30 British Museum 14.30 British Museum
Day 2 Tuesday (afternoon-part 2) 16.00 Fish and Chips 16.00 Fish and Chips 17.30 Back to the youth 17.30 Back to the youth hostel by Tube 19.30 Tube to St Paul’s 19.30 Tube to St Paul’s 20.30Ghost tour 20.30Ghost tour
Day 3:Wednesday (morning) 8.30 Breakfast 8.30 Breakfast 9.30 City walk: changing of the guards, 9.30 City walk: changing of the guards, Big Ben etc Big Ben etc 12.30 Tube to Natural History Museum & Science Museum 12.30 Tube to Natural History Museum & Science Museum
Day 3:Wednesday (afternoon) 13.00 Natural History Museum (Group 1)/ Science Museum (Group 2) 13.00 Natural History Museum (Group 1)/ Science Museum (Group 2) 14.30 Natural History Museum (Group2)/ 14.30 Natural History Museum (Group2)/ Science Museum (Group 1) Science Museum (Group 1) 16.00 Walk to hostel 16.00 Walk to hostel 16.30 Dinner at hostel 16.30 Dinner at hostel 18.00 Tube to theatre 18.00 Tube to theatre 19.30 Musical: “We will rock you”: 19.30 Musical: “We will rock you”: Dominion Theatre Dominion Theatre we will rock you we will rock youwe will rock youwe will rock you 22.00 Back to the youth hostel by 22.00 Back to the youth hostel by tube tube
Day 4:Thursday (morning) 8.00 Breakfast 8.00 Breakfast 9.00 All belongings taken 9.00 All belongings taken to the luggage room, to the luggage room, all rooms checked all rooms checked 10.00 Tube to: IWM 10.00 Tube to: IWM 10.45 Imperial War Museum 10.45 Imperial War Museum 13.00 Tube to Piccadilly Circus, Lunch 13.00 Tube to Piccadilly Circus, Lunch
Day 4:Thursday (afternoon) 14.00 Leisure Time: Oxford Street,14.00 Leisure Time: Oxford Street, Regent Street, Leicester Square, incl dinner Regent Street, Leicester Square, incl dinner 17.00 Gather at Piccadilly Circus17.00 Gather at Piccadilly Circus 17.30 Tube to Hyde Park Winter Wonderland17.30 Tube to Hyde Park Winter Wonderland 19.30 Back to the youth hostel by tube19.30 Back to the youth hostel by tube 20.30 Bus picks us up at the youth20.30 Bus picks us up at the youth hostel to go home hostel to go home
Day 5:Friday 7.00 (approx.)Arrival at Bokt (Eindhoven) 7.00 (approx.)Arrival at Bokt (Eindhoven)
Locatie in London: Meininger City Hostel 65 – 67 Queens Gate, SW7 5JS London tel vanuit NL +44 20 30518173 Meininger City Hostel 65 – 67 Queens Gate, SW7 5JS London tel vanuit NL +44 20 30518173 Niet vergeten mee te nemen / regelen: Geldig paspoort / identiteitskaart (+ kopie) Geldig paspoort / identiteitskaart (+ kopie) Handdoeken Handdoeken Regenkleding / wandelschoenen Regenkleding / wandelschoenen Britse ponden / pinpas Britse ponden / pinpas Reisverzekering Reisverzekering Camera Camera English plug adaptor English plug adaptor Noodnummer: 06-13734958 (echt alleen voor noodgevallen!)
London trip 2012 17th– 21rd December
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