June 2009 Introduction inhabitants Industrial and rural Region Rel. low productivity growth Education for other regions Twente Index 2008
…………………………………………………… Background …………………………………………………… Goals …………………………………………………… Structure …………………………………………………… Workshops …………………………………………………… Participants …………………………………………………… Final …………………………………………………… Contents
Background: Construction Industry in Twente Above average % GRP % employment Spin-off %! Mostly in SME Good working attitude Good working skills Business clusters housing and infrastructure All educational levels
Craftsman-like, action focused Background: Construction Industry in Twente Above average % GRP % employability Spin-off %! Mostly in SME Good working attitude Good working skills Clusters housing and infrastructure All educational levels
Self-reinforcing pattern SMEs want do-ers (instead of thinkers) Strongly focussed on practical education Entrepreneurs clone themselves MSc’s don’t make their way into construction ‘Doing’ remains more important than ‘thinking’ Little self-reflection Exploitation more important than exploration Hardly any high-tech start-ups Progress is smothered Background: Construction Industry in Twente
Strengthening economical power of construction-related firms and education in Twente hidden champions that have attained their position mainly by plain hard work, should be transformed into a sector that proactively meets demand from society and individual customers. A frontrunner position in product development, adoption of new technologies and practices in construction and obtaining an (inter)national reputation for innovation and entrepreneurship in construction (progressive, innovative and dynamic). First response Background: Construction Industry in Twente
Objectives ObjectivesObjectives Firms in the Twente Construction Industry: Contribute towards societal problems Can proactively face changes in the market structure, Have an understanding for the needs of the market and customers, and know- individually and as a cluster- how to translate this into a businesswise advantage. So improve their competitive position, and ensure the vitalty of an important segment of our regional economy. Preserve inter-regional employment
Lines of thinking Re-calibrating entrepreneurship in construction From trade to development From buyer/sellers to co-makers Rediscovering technology and Tech Trajectories Development of strategic thinking & reflective working Thinking in business models instead of projects It’s not about knowledge transfer, but about the transfer of methods for knowledge-intensive working
Method Levers Strenthening the network and clusters Strenthening competence for developing technologies, concepts and products Strengthening the interaction between firms and education Improving coordination across educational institutes Raising the level of education in the industry Raising and retaining talent in our Region
Participants Plegt Vos Hegeman Nijverdal IAA Architecten De Woonplaats Raab Karcher Ter Steege Groep Loohuis Installatietechniek Universiteit Twente Beter Wonen Gebr. Van der Geest Vastbouw Hodes Bouwsystemen De Groot Vroomshoop Hemink Groep Saxion Gemeente Enschede Kondor Wessels Projecten BDC Architecten Van Dam Installaties TeHa Damsté Advocaten ROC ….
Pioneering Innovation Award
Prijs voor bedrijf dat beste product heeft ontwikkeld of de beste innovatie heeft op het gebied van verandering, ontwikkeling en verbetering van het bouwproces. Alle bedrijven in de bouwsector, gevestigd in één van de Twentse gemeenten met een aantal werknemers tussen 1 en 250. De beste inzending wordt verkozen door een vakjury.
Hoe deelnemen? De schriftelijke inzending bestaat uit, het via de website ingevulde deelnameformulier de akkoordverklaring met het reglement en eventueel een jaarverslag.
Selectie Jury selecteert zes genomineerden. Deze inzenders wordt gevraagd een presentatie te geven aan de jury. Bij deze presentatie zijn ook studenten van Saxion, Universiteit Twente en ROC van Twente aanwezig. De jury kiest uit de zes genomineerden een eerste, tweede en derde prijswinnaar.
Prijs Pioneering Innovation Award De eerste prijs is euro. De tweede en derde prijs elk euro.
Uitreiking De uitreiking van de Pioneering Innovation Award is in november 2009 Tijdens het feest ter ere van het één jarig bestaan van Pioneering.