Liberation Paragraph 2.29
D-Day 6 th of June 1944: Start of liberation of Western Europe. The Netherlands were liberated in 2 stages:
Autumn 1944: South part was liberated Operation Market Garden failed. They couldn’t take over a crossing of the Rhine near Arnhem. So the north wasn’t liberated. They were liberated 7 months later. They had the “hongerwinter”.
Hongerwinter Weather was cold, lots of snow. Germans had taken all food and fuel. People had to eat tulip bulbs.
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Liberation 5 th may 1945: Netherlands liberated Queen returned
After the war Going back to normal life was difficult. Many family members were killed. Problems: refugees, food shortages, war damage and the economy.
Social problems: Population was divided: 1 group: part of resistance 1 group: collaborated with the Germans 1 group: did nothing, tried to co-exist with Germans. Many collaborators were punished
Van de gevonnisten kregen 190 de doodstraf op grond van de bijzondere strafwet, die direct na het einde van de oorlog werd ingevoerd. Van hen zijn slechts 34 terechtgesteld; van de overigen is de straf omgezet in levenslang. Zo’n politieke delinquenten werden veroordeeld tot boetes of internering. Van bijna anderen werd de zaak ‘administratief afgehandeld’, dat wil zeggen dat ze ontzet werden uit hun burgerrechten en tijdelijk onder toezicht werden gesteld.