Oréus Business Society Golar LNG Limited vergadering, 6 november
LNG ❖ LNG = liquified natural gas (vloeibaar aardgas) ❖ Mengsel van voornamelijk methaan met o.a. stikstof, propaan en ethaan ❖ Volume van lng is 600 maal kleiner dan aardgas ❖ Zeetransport goedkoper dan via pijpleiding 2
Waarom LNG? ❖ Goedkoper dan diesel ❖ Groene energie: schoonste van de fossiele brandstoffen ❖ 20-30% minder uitstoot van CO 2 ❖ Relatief veilig 3
LNG Markt 4
Exportland2011Importland2011 Qatar102.6Japan107.0 Maleisië33.3Zuid-Korea49.3 Australië25.9Verenigd Koninkrijk25.3 Nigeria25.9Spanje24.2 Trinidad & Tobago18.9India17.3 in miljarden m³ * 2020: VS wordt het twee na grootste exportland van lng 5
* 2015: vraag naar lng in China gaat verdubbelen 6
Golar LNG ❖ Midstream LNG company engaged in transportation, regasification, liquefaction and trading of LNG ❖ Leading independent LNG carrier owner/operator – 16 vessels in total, experience spanning 4 decades ❖ Controls majority of near term industry wide open vessel positions at a time of unprecedented market demand ❖ Market leader in floating regasification (FSRU) – 4 floating terminals operating or committed 7
First Mover Fleet of FSRU Candidates Fit to Market Solutions ❖ Golar is the only operator that has converted LNGCs into FSRUs ❖ An industry leader and one of only 3 companies to operate FSRUs ❖ 3 Moss type LNG carriers available for FSRU conversion ❖ Newbuild FSRU firm order ❖ Golar has a long history operating these vessels ❖ Tailor-made FSRU conversions ❖ Near term delivery of newbuild FSRU ❖ Low cost execution model 8
Golar LNG: Vooruitzicht ❖ Focus on leveraging LNG carriers and FSRU positions ❖ First priority is high value term employment ❖ FSRU time charter contract with Jordanian government (10 years) ❖ FSRU time charter contract with Kuwait National Petroleum Company (5 years) ❖ New opportunities in North America (USA/Panama Canal) ❖ Able to withstand fluctuating day rates thanks to size 9
GolarIndustry Average Mkt cap3.06B885.5B P/E Div/yield4.80%3.98% EPS Beta Debt Ratio21%- Kerncijfers