Notebooks in het onderwijs 15 februari 2008 Duco Bannink & Chris Breuer Gebruik notebooks bij Governance of European Social Policies
workgroup session 1 – 12 September 2007 case selection and research design
GESP WS1 - Case selection 3 paper assignment discuss the European policy-making process and explain the outcomes in relation to a selected social policy issue employment poverty health education
GESP WS1 - Case selection 4 assignment (1/2 hour) formulate research question method design locate relevant EC en national documents
GESP WS1 - Case selection 5 short presentation present an outline (1 minute) –research question –method design –preliminary identification of EC and national documents
GESP WS1 - Case selection 6 resources Set up a WLAN-connection ( -Pensions -Social inclusion and poverty -European Employment Strategy (EES) -Health -Social Agenda > Lisbon > Growth and Jobs (includes education policies)
GESP WS1 - Case selection 7 ervaringen + randvoorwaarden didactisch: - vooraf opdracht verstrekken - afgrenzing zoekgebied - duidelijke probleem- en opdrachtformulering - beschikbaarheid docent bij zoekwerk - assertieve aanpak door student
GESP WS1 - Case selection 8 ervaringen + randvoorwaarden organisatorisch: - beschikbaarheid laptops problematisch - toegang niet goed geregeld - elke student laptop? ‘multimediazaal’ in collegeopstelling met vaste computers?