Jannes Huisman Senior coach Meer dan 25 jaar werkzaam als zelfstandig HR-professional werkzaam bij organisaties in de profit (financiële- en zakelijke dienstverlening) en non-profit sector (zorg- en politieorganisatie). Werkzaam met en voor leidinggevenden op alle niveaus (van bestuurders tot operationeel leidinggevenden) binnen organisaties waarin resultaten moesten worden gehaald terwijl permanent (organisatie)veranderingen plaats vonden. Gericht op verandervraagstukken binnen organisaties (organisatie- ontwikkeling, duurzame inzetbaarheid en mobiliteit) Strategische, tactische en operationele ervaring binnen HRM werkveld in sterk veranderende organisaties; (management)coaching en -training Sleutelbegrippen: businesspartner, hands on mentaliteit, proactief, analytisch vermogen, planmatig en gestructureerd, betrokken en sensitief Master in Human Rescourse management Bedrijfskunde Practitional Insight Discovery (Instrument voor individuele-, team- en organisatieontwikkeling) Motto: ‘leidinggeven aan anderen begint bij persoonlijk leiderschap en vitaliteit’.
Jannes Huisman Senior coach More than 25 years working as an independent HR professional working at organizations in the profit (financial and business services) and not-for-profit sector (care- and police organization). As an HR professional working with and for managers (from directors tot operational managers) at all levels of organisation in which results were to be achieved while standing (organization) changes were held. Focused on change issues within organizations (organizational development, sustainable employability and mobility) Strategic, tactical and operational experience within HRM field in rapidly changing organizations; (management) coaching and training Key concepts: business partner, hands on mentality, proactive, analytical skills, systematic and structured, involved and sensitive Master in Human Rescourse management Business Administration Practitional Insight Discovery (Instrument for individual, team and organisational development) Learning is a fascinating and individual process, with moments of flow and moments of resistence. In my role as a coach I help people te be more aware of their learning process in the buzzy work and to help them to give focus for their learning process.