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Saxion HBS Expeditie innovative solutions for a hospitable society.

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Presentatie over: "Saxion HBS Expeditie innovative solutions for a hospitable society."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Saxion HBS Expeditie innovative solutions for a hospitable society

2 Hospitality biedt ruimte

3 Zoom in op mensen

4 Mensen in transitie

5 Inspiratie Expedities: Pater Drabbe,Nieuw Guinea

6 Amundsen: the South Pole

7 Lewis and Clark, Amerika

8 O’Hanlons Helden

9 Andre Kuipers: Planet Earth

10 Expeditie Robinson

11 Trektocht met teams

12 Team work

13 Beproevingen

14 Team space

15 Ontberingen

16 Outposts

17 Kenmerken Expedities Gezamenlijk doel, lange looptijd Onderzoek naar nieuwe routes, gebieden, soorten, fenomenen Gesponsord, opdrachtgever met belangen Team work met gedegen voorbereiding Werken op “outposts”, onderweg Gastvrij: teams kunnen aanhaken met eigen onderzoek Avontuur, risico’s en beproevingen Winnaars en verliezers (Spectaculaire) resultaten

18 Hospitality from different perspectives using different sources AC Inspiration: Hospitality Discovery: new sources Personal Values SOCIETY BUSINESS DISCOURSE CITIZENS Network needs communication sense Productivity needs Issues to be solved Best Practice Concept design Persona Adding Value/creating solutions Prototyping Collaborative (creative) Technology Design Driven Innovation & Research Persona Sharing Creativity Hands on Hearts on Minds on Showing PRODUCT VALUE CREATION ANALYSES RESEARCH RESULTS DESIGN Hands on Minds on WHY? Essay Debate Taking Position Hearts on Forming

19 Expeditieschema Hospitality Society Requires… Design Driven Innovation Design Driven Innovation Partners Creating solutions Creating solutions location Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Thursday location Project adoptionTeam formation Individual TEDx presentation Project Proposal Team Berlin Week 1.1-1.6 Week 1.7-1.9 Week 1.10

20 Toets 1 Hospitality Society Requires… Individual TEDx presentation MondayTuesday Week 1.9

21 Toets 2 Design Driven Innovation Design Driven Innovation Partners Creating solutions Creating solutions Wednesday Friday Thursday Team CoachResearcherTeachersPartner Project Proposal Berlin Week 1.10

22 Work Expedition Inspiring location: BERLIN Workshop in teams Creating a Project Proposal

23 Kwartiel 2 Approved projects per team Project Hospitality Issues from Society DesignPartners Tools and Technology Week 2.10 Findings of the expedition Exhibition: “Wunderkammer”

24 Toets 1-2-3 Individual presentation TEDx Presentation Proposal as a team Project Proposal Exhibition “Wunderkammer” Prototype Quarter 1 Quarter 2

25 Discovering Hospitality (de)constructie van gastvrijheid: Ontdek: Nieuwe aspecten Nieuwe bronnen Onderzoekslijn Hospitality Ism Brenda Groen, Heleen Hattink

26 Society Requires… Issues en vraagstukken Van burgers en consumenten In een vloeibare samenleving Ism Kenniscentrum: lectoren Werkvormen:conversations, World Café, etc

27 Design Driven Innovation Innovatief kwalitatief onderzoek Getest in Hospitality Excellence Programme Ism Kenniscentrum, Xander Lub en Rene Rijnders

28 Partners Deelnemers aan de Expeditie: Delen ervaring, passie en expertise met teams Ism werkveld, alumni

29 Creating Solutions Kennismaken en leren werken met nieuwe tools en technologie, richting prototype Voorbeelden: robotics, nano-, media- ict-, business modellen, 3-D printing Ism Academie Creatieve Technologie en ABR

30 Expeditie in 5 cirkels Hospitality

31 De Expeditie in 5 cirkels Society Requires

32 Expeditie in 5 cirkels Design Driven Innovation

33 De 5 cirkels Partners partner 1 partner 2 partner 3 partner 4

34 Expeditie in 5 cirkels Creating Solutions

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