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Enterprise Application Integration
Les 6 Enterprise Application Integration
Historie software
WfM referentiemodel
What used to be: 3-Tier Architecture
Strategic Planning Assumption: By 2009, a typical business application platform will consist of at least five distinct technology stacks and programming models: user interaction, business process management, custom components, integration and virtual data access (0.8 probability) Tier II Business Logic Tier III Data Access Tier I Presentation Source: Yefim Natis, Gartner 2004
“Integratie” nu: Point-to-Point Communication via allerlei Middleware
Strategic Imperative: Architects and developers must change application design practices and update their software tools because traditional protocols and middleware cannot implement the integration design patterns that modern businesses require. Mainframe MOM Message Legacy Adapter COM, CORBA, RMI, RPC, SOAP/HTTP TCP/IP Netwerk door het hele bedrijf File Transfer, FTP JDBC, ODBC Sockets Most integration is still developed using traditional designs and tools. In traditional IS architecture, all intelligence (that is, all data and logic) is held within the application systems. Applications are smart, but the network isn’t. Middleware in a conventional network simply moves data among the application systems and people. The focus of integration design is around whatever new application is being deployed. Connections between the applications are developed using the same programming language and development tools that are used to implement the endpoint applications, augmented by rudimentary protocols and tools such as FTP. This familiar architecture is being gradually superseded by a new form of application architecture summarized by the term "enterprise nervous system." The center of design for application integration is becoming the "white space" between the endpoint applications. Architects and developers are shift the focus toward coalitions of application systems that cooperate to execute compound functions and end-to-end business processes. The application is seen as something plugged into the connectivity fabric rather than being the center of attention. Action Item: Architects and managers must rethink their application design and management practices and upgrade the enterprise middleware infrastructure.
Point-to point chaos
Point-to point chaos 2
5-Tier Architecture SOA
Strategic Planning Assumption: By 2009, a typical business application platform will consist of at least five distinct technology stacks and programming models: user interaction, business process management, custom components, integration and virtual data access (0.8 probability) Tier III Integration Tier IV Business Logic b=a+ b=a+ Tier V Data Access IIa: proceslaag IIb: Business Rules FW Tier II Business Process Management Tier I Presentation Source: Yefim Natis, Gartner 2004
Data level EAI
Data level EAI (2)
Moderne toepassingen van DL-EAI
Message level EAI Bij Message level EAI zijn de applicaties nog “eigenaar” van het proces. De Message-broker zorgt alleen voor doorgifte en vertaling en “dwingt” daarvoor berichten in XML af
Message level EAI ontwerpstappen
Stel alle zakelijk activiteiten en bijbehorende berichten vast Rubriceer en definieer de producenten Rubriceer en definieer de ontvangers (inclusief data-eisen) Vergelijk data-eisen zender/ontvangers
Message level middleware
Keuzes bij Message level EAI
Synchroon versus a-synchroon Point-to-point versus publish-subscribe architectuur Integratieverschillen tussen zender en ontvanger
Process level EAI Wat is nu het verschil met de functionaliteiten van het WfMC referentiemodel? Wat is er bij de ‘postbode’ functie van message level EAI bijgekomen? Bij Process level EAI is de messagebroker voorzien van meer functionaliteit. De messagebroker ‘begrijpt’ nu zelf het proces en neemt dat over van de applicaties! Hiermee krijgt de messagebroker WfM functionaliteit
Aanpak process level EAI (bottom up)
Berichtinhoud (content) Deelnemers aan de processen Berichten en regels v/d processen businessprocessen
“Swimlane” onderzoek naar deelnemers
Standaard chaos
Client Issue: When and where will the enterprise service bus become relevant to mainstream businesses? The Middleware Infrastructure for Business Components Will Be an: Enterprise Service Bus (Gartner) SOA interactions Event notifications Product Order Micro- Flow Price Customer Order Account TCP/IP ESB Client Client Client Client An ESB is Web-services-capable middleware infrastructure that supports intelligently-directed communication and mediated relationships among loosely coupled (SOA) and decoupled (EDA) business components. Unlike many other forms of middleware, ESBs support both SOA and EDA with one technology base rather than using separate programming models, repositories, and administrative and security tools for each. Communication is essential to the role of an ESB because it is by intercepting and mediating the program-to-program messages that an ESB is able to resolve logical service names to specific business component instances. ESBs can apply other features such as message transformation, content-based routing and publish-and-subscribe. Some ESBs also provide failover, load balancing, security, monitoring, and other management services. The "enterprise" in "ESB" refers to the fact that an ESB will generally be installed and managed within one virtual enterprise - one company and possibly some of its customers and suppliers. An ESB deployment may have a single virtual name space and single image for administration. The "service" in "ESB" implies that the ESB supports SOA (as well as EDA) applications, and that it conforms to Web service specifications. The "bus" in "ESB" refers to its support for "pluggability." Business components can be added, moved, deleted or swapped out without disrupting other clients/senders or servers/receivers. ESBs are not just for application integration (connecting independently designed components), although they can be used for integration if augmented by adapters and other techniques. ESBs are also useful within a set of business components that come from just one development team or cooperating teams that share their information models before new components are designed.
Orde in de chaos (?)
Bespreking opdracht: Deadlines:
1e maal: maandag week 10 van 1e kwartaal voor uur ‘s middags. 2e maal: vrijdag week 2 van 2e kwartaal of 2 weken na bekendmaken cijfer. Doel: kunnen uitleggen aan manager wat doel/nut van BPM/SOA is Vorm: Inleiding - IST (problemen) - SOLL (BPM/SOA oplossingen) - Samenhang (onderdelen-ESB) – Conclusie Extra info zie website/modulewijzer
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