Deltion College Engels B2 Lezen[Edu/001] /subvaardigheid schrijven korte samenvattingen thema: Exotic news can-do : lezen om informatie op te doen - kan.

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1 Deltion College Engels B2 Lezen[Edu/001] /subvaardigheid schrijven korte samenvattingen thema: Exotic news can-do : lezen om informatie op te doen - kan teksten begrijpen over actuele onderwerpen

2 SBU: 3 Eindprodukt: a. summaries of articles on related subjects b. word list Nodig: internet woordenboek

3 Je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je snel belangrijke detailinformatie kunt vinden in lange teksten, bij allerlei soorten berichten snel kunt bepalen of het de moeite waard is deze nader te bestuderen, en je een korte samenvatting kunt maken van de kernpunten van de gelezen artikelen.

4 Situation You and a friend are thinking of doing a course in Media and Communications. To get yourselves an idea of how newspapers all over the world operate, you decide to follow the publications in one and the same newspaper over a certain period of time (three weeks) to see what makes the headlines in this particular paper. What can you deduce from the editor’s choice? What, apparently, is of interest to the people reading that particular paper? Each of you prints 5 different articles, which illustrate the editor’s policy – and writes short summaries of each article.

5 Assignment: Decide which newspaper you are going to follow: go to and select a Next select a newspaper that is published in English!

6 Make sure at least one of you visits the newspaper’s site once a day. Select articles that illustrate the editor’s policy and try to find answers to the following questions: -What type of paper is the newspaper of your choice? (‘tabloid’? Quality paper? Regional? Etc.) -What type of readers does it aim at? -What type of ‘news’ makes the headlines most easily? -Which news items struck both of you as particularly interesting? Procedure

7 Assignment for 2 students teamwork no roleplay Tip:lees eerst de volgende instructies

8 -Tips on Writing Summaries -Step One (Prewriting): -Read the article quickly. -Try to get a sense of the article's general focus and content. -Step Two (Drafting): -Restate the article's thesis simply and in your own words. -Restate each paragraph's topic simply and in your own words. -Step Three (Revising): -Combine sentences in Step Two to form your summary; organize your summary sentences in the same order as the main ideas in the original text. -Edit very carefully for neatness and correctness. - Click on arrow to go back to start

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