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GepubliceerdAnneleen Verhoeven Laatst gewijzigd meer dan 10 jaar geleden
Juridische ontwikkelingen in pensioenland: never a dull moment “Het Groenboek ontsloten” 07/06/2011 Sibylle Reichert – Pensioenfederatie
2 Inhoud 1. Goenboek Pensioenen 2. Wat staat er in 3. Wie – Wat – Waneer 4. Standpunt Pensioenfederatie 5. Quotes 6. Uitdagingen
3 1. Groenboek Pensioenen – een europees of nationaal onderwerp? Waarom een Groenboek? Holistic approach?
4 2. Wat staat er in? Adequaat en duurzame pensioenen; Goede balans tussen werk en pensioen en faciliteren van een langer actief leven; Weghalen van hindernissen voor mensen die in verschillenden EU landen werken en ook voor de interne markt van pensioen producten; Pensioenen bestendiger maken voor een economische crisis, nu en in de toekomst; Pensioen moet transparanter. Mensen moeten beter geïnformeerd beslissingen kunnen nemen over hun pensioen inkomen.
5 2. Wat staat er in? Adequaatheid Houdbaarheid Zekerheid
6 4. Wie? /Wat? / Waneer? Voorstel Groenboek 7 juli 2011 Europese CommissieRaadEuropees Parlament Analyse Antwoorden Begin Maart 2011 Witboek 3 kwart 2011 Opinie – EMPL, ECON, IMCO, FEMM 15.02.2011 DG EMPLDG MARKTDG ECFIN Portabiliteit Insolvabiliteit Interne Markt Pensioenen Herziening IORP richtlijn Cross-border activities Houdbaarheid van pensioenen Mobiliteit/ Adequaatheid Stabiliteits – en groeipact Schuldenkrisis ECOFIN Conclusions 15.02.2011 Euro plus Pact Economic Governance EPSCO Conclusions 07.03.2011 Hervorming Soziale Zekerheid
7 5. Standpunt Pensioenfederatie Subsidiariteit Adequaatheid -> Multi-pijler aanpak Pensioenen = arbeidsvoorwaarden Rol voor sociale partners Verbeterde houdbaarheid Doeltreffendheid en flexibiliteit …..
8 5. Quotes The Council HIGHLIGHTS that fiscal consolidation should be accompanied by reforms aimed at ensuring sustainable and adequate pension systems, The experience and knowledge in the Netherlands – I think in particular the Dutch legislation on the pension funds, the "Financieel Toetsingskader", is a real source of inspiration which can help us to improve the European legal framework on pension funds. Member States must act to ensure that pension schemes can sustainably deliver an adequate income to the EU's growing number of retired people, despite the economic crisis, says a Parliament resolution adopted on Wednesday. Nederland is zich zeer bewust van het belang van de pensioendiscussie in Europees verband. Wij zijn graag bereid om vanuit onze ervaring mee te denken over hoe ook de Europese jeugd straks van een goed pensioen kan genieten. The Council HIGHLIGHTS that fiscal consolidation should be accompanied by reforms aimed at ensuring sustainable and adequate pension systems, notably by increasing the effective retirement age and by better aligning retirement age and/or pension benefits to changes in life expectancy; reducing early retirement schemes which risk reducing the labour force; and promoting active labour market policies and life-long learning. While public pensions will continue to play an important role, private savings including second pillar schemes could provide a useful complement to enhance retirement incomes and should be encouraged. The Council HIGHLIGHTS that fiscal consolidation should be accompanied by reforms aimed at ensuring sustainable and adequate pension systems, notably by increasing the effective retirement age and by better aligning retirement age and/or pension benefits to changes in life expectancy; reducing early retirement schemes which risk reducing the labour force; and promoting active labour market policies and life-long learning. While public pensions will continue to play an important role, private savings including second pillar schemes could provide a useful complement to enhance retirement incomes and should be encouraged. The Council HIGHLIGHTS that fiscal consolidation should be accompanied by reforms aimed at ensuring sustainable and adequate pension systems, notably by increasing the effective retirement age and by better aligning retirement age and/or pension benefits to changes in life expectancy; reducing early retirement schemes which risk reducing the labour force; and promoting active labour market policies and life-long learning. While public pensions will continue to play an important role, private savings including second pillar schemes could provide a useful complement to enhance retirement incomes and should be encouraged. The Council HIGHLIGHTS that fiscal consolidation should be accompanied by reforms aimed at ensuring sustainable and adequate pension systems, notably by increasing the effective retirement age and by better aligning retirement age and/or pension benefits to changes in life expectancy; reducing early retirement schemes which risk reducing the labour force; and promoting active labour market policies and life-long learning. While public pensions will continue to play an important role, private savings including second pillar schemes could provide a useful complement to enhance retirement incomes and should be encouraged. The Council HIGHLIGHTS that fiscal consolidation should be accompanied by reforms aimed at ensuring sustainable and adequate pension systems, notably by increasing the effective retirement age and by better aligning retirement age and/or pension benefits to changes in life expectancy; reducing early retirement schemes which risk reducing the labour force; and promoting active labour market policies and life-long learning. While public pensions will continue to play an important role, private savings including second pillar schemes could provide a useful complement to enhance retirement incomes and should be encouraged. The Council HIGHLIGHTS that fiscal consolidation should be accompanied by reforms aimed at ensuring sustainable and adequate pension systems, notably by increasing the effective retirement age and by better aligning retirement age and/or pension benefits to changes in life expectancy; reducing early retirement schemes which risk reducing the labour force; and promoting active labour market policies and life-long learning. While public pensions will continue to play an important role, private savings including second pillar schemes could provide a useful complement to enhance retirement incomes and should be encouraged.
9 6. Uitdagingen Nationaal arbeids- en sociaalrecht Zekerheid van Pensioenen - > Solvency PortabiliteitVerplichtstelling
10 7. Groenboek - Witboek Policy Options Holistic approach -> Call for Advice ? Portabiliteit Gender Equality (ECJ oordeel verzekeraars) Langleven – pensioenleeftijd Adequaatheid en inkomen van gepensioneerden Maatregelen tegen jeugdwerkloosheid
11 Ten slotte - Wat is een goed stelsel Source:
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