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GepubliceerdRenée Christiaens Laatst gewijzigd meer dan 10 jaar geleden
THE SACK OF LOUVAIN How to use in education?
Concept and principles Flexibility Image analysis Demand driven Co operative learning Document study Creative design Historical criticism
Flexibility: Usable in different levels Various time investment Component parts: Three possibilities: 50’: discussion of the documentary 100’: document study 150’: historical criticism Two sets of documents with different levels of difficulty and authenticity Summary of the content PowerPoint with pictures
Concept and principles Flexibility Image analysis Demand driven Co operative learning Document- study Creative design Historical criticism
Image analysis See, Think, Wonder. Oude Markt Town hall - Oude markt
Concept and principles Flexibility Image analysis Demand driven Co operative learning Document- study Creative design Historical criticism
Demand driven and cooperative learning FOUR GROUPS: Looking for answers to your questions GROUP 1 Causes: Which circumstances explain the cruel behaviour of the Germans? GROUP 2 Occasion: Which incident incites the Germans to the arson? (Various versions!) GROUP 3 Events: What happened between August 25 and September 1? Create a Timeline. GROUP 4 Consequences: What was destroyed? How many people died? What were the reactions of the press and the other countries
Concept and principles Flexibility Image analysis Demand driven Co Operative learning Document study Creative design Historical criticism
Document study “Uit het gezamenlijk verslag blijkt dat de opstand van de francs-tireurs lang op voorhand voorbereid was. Dit is bewezen door de ontdekking van groote hoeveelheden wapens. Buitendien was er een groot aantal jonge lieden - soldaten in burgerkleding - naar Leuven gekomen. In de brandende huizen ontploften de voorraden kardoezen en ontploffingsmiddelen die de bewoners er verborgen hielden. De leiding van deze vreeselijke hinderlaag lag ongetwijfeld in de handen van een hoogstaande autoriteit.” (Duitse Witboek) “Volgens de Belgische versie was niet de bevolking de gewelddaden begonnen. Als er al geschoten werd, dan gebeurde dat door Duitse troepen die in een bewust gecreëerde chaos op elkaar waren beginnen vuren. Tot deze conclusie kwam de Belgische onderzoekscommissie die al tijdens de eerste oorlogsdagen was aangesteld en die alle mogelijke getuigenverklaringen van vluchtelingen verzamelde.” (Belgisch historica, Hilde Verboven)
Concept and principles Flexibility Image analysis Demand driven Co operative learning Document- study Creative design Historical criticism
Creative design The students summarize the conclusions on a poster. Clear-cut product Flexible approach: Summarizing and classifying Forming an opinion and substantiating Schematizing and mind mapping Style elements Digital tools
Concept and principles Flexibility Image analysis Demand driven Co operative learning Document study Creative design Historical criticism
Historical Criticism Situating the "Sac de Louvain" in international propaganda war. Difference between fact and opinion. Difference between primary and secondary sources. Contextualizing of perspectives.
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