Context-Driven Adaptation of Mobile Services Vergadering met Gebruikerscommissie na jaar 2.

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Presentatie over: "Context-Driven Adaptation of Mobile Services Vergadering met Gebruikerscommissie na jaar 2."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Context-Driven Adaptation of Mobile Services Vergadering met Gebruikerscommissie na jaar 2

2 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 agenda Inleiding en stand van zaken Demo 1: Instant messaging applied to a meeting  WP2 (code generatie), WP4 (context + service discovery + mobiliteit), WP5 (user interfaces) Demonstrator 2: Strong mobility in Traffic Scenario  WP6 (strong mobility) Demonstrator 3: Museum Visit: adapt yourself  WP3 (performance estimation) en WP5 (user interfaces) Plannen voor komend jaar Napraten, netwerking, drink … in faculty club

3 Context-Driven Adaptation of Mobile Services Inleiding en stand van zaken

4 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Overzicht project: vertrouwde slides Projectplanning: waar staan we

5 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Motivatie en probleemstelling toekomstvisie van personal devices in AMI omgeving ï zeer dynamisch ï platform voor gepersonaliseerde diensten ï in functie van context toekomstvisie van personal devices in AMI omgeving ï zeer dynamisch ï platform voor gepersonaliseerde diensten ï in functie van context nood aan een resourcebewust dienstenplatform  met ondersteuning voor adaptiviteit statische en dynamische  met ondersteuning voor mobiliteit  in functie van de context persoonlijke context locatie device resources

6 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Service Provider Service Users CoDAMoS Service Platform

7 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Comp. LibraryCompositions Service Provider Service Users CoDAMoS Service Platform

8 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Comp. LibraryCompositions Service Provider Service Users CoDAMoS Service Platform WP 1 context specification

9 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Comp. LibraryCompositions R h, User profile, Location, … R s  R h Service Provider Service Users RhRh RsRs CoDAMoS Service Platform

10 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Generated Implementation Service S1 Comp. LibraryCompositions R h, User profile, Location, … R s  R h Service Provider Service Users RhRh RsRs CoDAMoS Service Platform Service S1’’

11 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Generated Implementations Service S Comp. LibraryCompositions R h, User profile, Location, … R s  R h Service Provider Service Users RhRh RsRs CoDAMoS Service Platform WP 2: context driven implementation generation WP 3: performance modelling

12 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service-User SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Generated Implementations Service S Comp. LibraryCompositions R h, User profile, Location, … R s  R h Service Provider Service S1’ Service S2’ Service S3 Service S1’’ Service S2’’ Users Service Users Device resources RhRh RsRs CoDAMoS Service Platform Service S4

13 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service-User SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Generated Implementations Service S Comp. LibraryCompositions R h, User profile, Location, … R s  R h Service Provider Service S1’ Service S2’ Service S3 Service S1’’ Service S2’’ Users Service Users Device resources RhRh RsRs CoDAMoS Service Platform Service S4 UI: speech UI: graphical, speech

14 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service-User SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Generated Implementations Service S Comp. LibraryCompositions R h, User profile, Location, … R s  R h Service Provider Service S1’ Service S2’ Service S3 Service S1’’ Service S2’’ Users Service Users Device resources RhRh RsRs CoDAMoS Service Platform Service S4 UI: speech UI: graphical, speech WP 5: context aware user interface

15 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service-User SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Generated Implementations Service S Comp. LibraryCompositions R h, User profile, Location, … R s  R h Service Provider Service S1’ Service S2’ Service S3 Service S1’’ Service S2’’ Service S4 Users Service Users Device resources Cooperation Context awareness/discovery UI: speech RhRh RsRs UI: graphical, speech Service S4 CoDAMoS Service Platform

16 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service-User SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Generated Implementations Service S Comp. LibraryCompositions R h, User profile, Location, … R s  R h Service Provider Service S1’ Service S2’ Service S3 Service S1’’ Service S2’’ Service S4 Users Service Users Device resources Cooperation Context awareness/discovery UI: speech RhRh RsRs UI: graphical, speech Service S4 CoDAMoS Service Platform WP 4: service integration

17 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service-User SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Generated Implementations Service S Comp. LibraryCompositions R h, User profile, Location, … R s  R h Service Provider Service S1’ Service S2’ Service S3 Service S1’’ Service S2’’ Service S4 Mobility Users Service Users Device resources RhRh RsRs CoDAMoS Service Platform

18 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service-User SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Generated Implementations Service S Comp. LibraryCompositions R h, User profile, Location, … R s  R h Service Provider Service S1’ Service S2’ Service S3 Service S1’’ Service S2’’ Service S4 Mobility Users Service Users Device resources RhRh RsRs CoDAMoS Service Platform

19 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service-User SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Generated Implementations Service S Comp. LibraryCompositions R h, User profile, Location, … R s  R h Service Provider Service S1’ Service S2’ Service S3 Service S1’’ Service S2’’ Service S4 Mobility Users Service Users Device resources RhRh RsRs CoDAMoS Service Platform Service S4

20 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service-User SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Generated Implementations Service S Comp. LibraryCompositions R h, User profile, Location, … R s  R h Service Provider Service S1’ Service S2’ Service S3 Service S1’’ Service S2’’ Service S4 Mobility Users Service Users Device resources RhRh RsRs CoDAMoS Service Platform Service S4 WP 6: code mobility

21 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Service Provider SDI Service-User SDI Service Deployment Infrastructure (SDI) Context Specification Generated Implementations Service S Comp. LibraryCompositions R h, User profile, Location, … R s  R h Service Provider Service S1’ Service S2’ Service S3 Service S1’’ Service S2’’ Service S4 Mobility Users Service Users Device resources Cooperation Context awareness/discovery UI: speech RhRh RsRs UI: graphical, speech Service S4 CoDAMoS Service Platform

22 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Doelstellingen 1 contextspecificatie 2 contextgedreven implementatiegeneratie 3 modelleren van prestatie 4 integratie van diensten 5 contextbewuste User Interfaces 6 codemobiliteit 1 uittekenen van scenario’s 2 tools en omgevingen die de resultaten in de verschillende werkpakketten demonstreren 3 integratie van resultaten van telkens 2 of 3 werkpakketten in demonstrators CoDAMoS beoogt strategisch, generisch basisonderzoek. Alle ontwikkelde software dient louter als proof-of-concept. Wetenschappelijke doelstellingen Technologische doelstellingen Economische doelstellingen 1 transfer van innovatieve oplossingen naar industriële partners zal leiden tot creatie van nieuwe producten, diensten, en markten en productiviteitsverhoging in Vlaamse industrie 2 opzetten van specifieke follow-up projecten

23 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Projectstructuur WP 8 WP 1 WP 7 0 12 24 24 36 48 fase 1fase 2 WP9 WP 2 - 6 mijlpalen M m M m M

24 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 Projectplanning

25 Leuven, 13 oktober 2005 agenda Inleiding en stand van zaken Demo 1: Instant messaging applied to a meeting  WP2 (code generatie), WP4 (context + service discovery + mobiliteit), WP5 (user interfaces) Demonstrator 2: Strong mobility in Traffic Scenario  WP6 (strong mobility) Demonstrator 3: Museum Visit: adapt yourself  WP3 (performance estimation) en WP5 (user interfaces) Plannen voor komend jaar Napraten, netwerking, drink … in faculty club

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