CEBP Danny Burlage.

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Presentatie over: "CEBP Danny Burlage."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 CEBP Danny Burlage

2 Focus - Passie – Innovatie
Wortell Introductie Opgericht in 1997 3 specialismen Technisch platform (Server & Client) Communicatie (Exchange & OCS) Productiviteit (SharePoint & Office) Ruim 100 specialisten Microsoft Software + Services Partner of the Year finalist (2010) Microsoft Public Partner of the Year (07/08/09) Microsoft Healthcare Innovator of the Year (2010) Microsoft EMEA Leading the Light partner of the Year (2010) Focus - Passie – Innovatie

3 Wie ben ik? Technisch Directeur en van Wortell
Schrijver SharePoint 2010 op Managementniveau Vaste auteur Technet Magazine en NetOpus Lid Microsoft PaC

4 Wortell & UC (Communications Server)
Seats OCS Seats Voice Enabled Seats Lighthouse Wins Apart UC Team 1 Architect 2 Consultants 7 Technisch Specialisten 3 Ontwikkelaars Exchange 2010 CS 2007/2010 Online Services Verander proces Business Apps

5 Wat is CEBP? Communications Enabled Business Processes Ofwel: UC integreren met bestaande (of nieuwe) bedrijfsmatige oplossingen

6 Waarom is CEBP interessant?
Voor onze klanten… Financiele voordelen Kostenbesparing Bestaande middelen hergebruiken Efficiency voordelen Bedrijfsprocessen optimaliseren Gebruiksverbetering Communiceren vanuit een applicatie Samenwerking stimuleren

7 Waarom is CEBP interessant?
Voor ons als Wortell… Vergroot de marge Dieper in de organisatie Lange termijn relatie

8 Business Case Business Case 1.000 gebruikers Omzet Marge
Envisioning Traject OCS Implementatie Training Begeleiding Hardware (Telefoons) Interroute (3 jaar) Custom Development 5 applicaties, 20 dagen per app

9 Techniek

10 Compleet platform

11 Communicator “14” Client Platform
Integrate Communicator Experiences Drag and Drop Controls For Silverlight and WPF Browse people Contact List, Custom List Check Details Popup card, Contact Card Click to Communicate Launch all OC modalities Find people People & Expert Search Integrate into browser–based and rich LoB applications

12 Communicator “14” Client Platform
Extending Communicator Menu Extensibility Launch MyApp passing ContactIDs of selected Contact(s) Contact Card Extensible Tabs Conversation Window Extension Launched by menu or programmatically: UIWindow.ShowExtensibilityWindow(…); Add custom Tabs

13 Technologie = Unified Communications Managed Workflow API SERVER
UCMA Workflow = Unified Communications Managed Workflow API SERVER UCMA = Unified Communications Managed API Tab = Tab Extensibility Extension Window = Communicator Extension Window CLIENT Controls = Presence Controls Automation = Communicator Automation API UCC API = Unified Communications Client API

14 Projecten

15 Wortell – Communicator / CRM

16 Exact Software


18 Wortell - Website

19 Gemeente Heusden

20 Waarom is CEBP interessant?
Voor ons als Wortell… Vergroot de marge Dieper in de organisatie Lange termijn relatie Componenten!!

21 Danny Burlage
Vragen? Danny Burlage

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