Partner Account Manager Voice Microsoft UCC Day 11-5-2010.

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Presentatie over: "Partner Account Manager Voice Microsoft UCC Day 11-5-2010."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Partner Account Manager Voice Microsoft UCC Day 11-5-2010

2 Agenda - Welkom, opening, UC update12:30 - OCS & Desktop VirtualizatieDavid Stoeckel Microsoft12:45 - Speech ImpactMorgan de Ruiter Plantronics13:15 Pauze - New Branch Office Appliances David Messer Audiocodes14:00 - OCS as ApplianceLucas Wensink Startready14:30 Pauze - CEBPDanny Burlage Wortell15:30 - Next Generation PortfolioXander Kupers Plantronics16:00 Wireless Density - OCS Wave 14 FY11 updateFerjan Ormeling Microsoft16:30 Afsluiting17:00

3 Microsoft Office Communication Server YtD... slechts 3 partners in Benelux niet op OCSR2. overige zijn of gaan voor medio juni over op R2 Outlook Enterprise Lighthouse Wins on target (12 WE) Lighthouse Deployed Seats Western Europe 60.000 – 70.000 Conferencing Wins 83 totaal in West Europa

4 Resultaten Voice Partners: Microsoft Lighthouse Deployed Seats & Pipeline 13% vd Partners (40) deden 80% van de LDS wins (34 NSI’s in top40) Top 40 partners hebben gem. 2 jaar Voice Specialisatie GSI’s deden 31% van de Lighthouse Deployed Seats (wereldwijd) NSI top 8: Max 21000 seats / Gemiddeld 13000 seats Volgende 26:Max 5500 seats / Gemiddeld 3500 seats Van de top 40 18% vd partners deden mee aan CEBP LH programma

5 Microsoft OCS Progams FY11 Programma’s nog niet definitief Voortzetting huidige programma’s Input Partners: Welke programma ideeën leven er bij de Benelux Voice Specialized Partner ? Call to action: Lever input hierop nu !

6 Microsoft UC Specialisatie / Voice Specialisatie Meer aandacht op volledige UC specialisatie ipv alleen Voice of Exchange UC Specialisatie nodig om na 1 oktober om Voice Specialisatie te houden Verplichting Voice Ignite training vervalt Voice examen (74-924) en internal deployment blijven Recente Customer Reference

7 Unified Communications Competency Certificatie o Exam 70-662 TS: Configuring Microsoft Exchange 2010, or Exam 70- 236 TS: Configuring Microsoft Exchange 2007 o Exam 70-663: IT PRO: Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, or (Exam 70-237: IT PRO: Designing Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and Exam 70- 238: IT PRO: Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007) o Exam 70-638: TS: Configuring Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 o Exam 70-662 TS: Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, or Exam 70-236: TS: Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 o Exam 74-924: Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 (Voice) o Exam 70-638: TS: Configuring Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Optie 1 Optie 2

8 MPN competentie: Unified Communications Solutions

9 Nieuwe exameneisen Partner Offer: Take advantage of exam vouchers and take the Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 exams for FREE. Good through 6/30/2010.

10 Trainingspromotie Ontvang gratis examen: Exam 70-662: TS: Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuring Exam 70-663: Pro: Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Exam 70-663: Pro: Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Na het volgen van een CPLS examentraining: Configuring, Managing and Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 (voor examen 70-662) Configuring, Managing and Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Designing & Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 (voor examen 70-663) Designing & Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Klik op de logo’s voor details en maak een afspraak voor een examentraining!

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