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1 Towards a new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration Noël Colpin Administrator Customs and Excise.

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Presentatie over: "1 Towards a new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration Noël Colpin Administrator Customs and Excise."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 1 Towards a new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration Noël Colpin Administrator Customs and Excise

2 2 Authorised Economic operator Prenotification 24 hour Advanced rule Authorised Economic operator Consolidation /distribution center Port of discharge VesselTransit port Factory Road/rail transport Consolidation /distribution center Vessel Port of loading Road/rail transport Road/rail transport Intelligence Function Paperless Customs CSI / Megaports Initiative / ISPS / X-ray scanning / Tracking&Tracing / Electronic sealing The new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration 1. Supply Chain Management

3 3 traditional “vertical” supervision 100 % Certified tradelanes : 20 % large enterprises  80 % goods tijd AS IS : 5% traditional control on all tradelanes TO BE : 25 % traditional control on the “Green Lane” tradelane 80 % Green Lane 20% Not Green Lane 5 % New strategic objectives for the Belgian Customs focusing on securing tradelanes

4 4 The new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration 2. AEO Streamlined procedures to grant permissions; Less control; Treatment with priority in case of control; Possibility to chose the location for being controlled; … AEO Customs Simplifications Three types of AEO: what’s in for me? A reduced dataset for the summary declaration Announcement of the physical controls in advance; Less treatment with priority in case of control; Possibility to chose the location for being controlled; … AEO Security and Safety “Full AEO”: AEO Customs Simplifications + Security and Safety 12 3 Compliance with customs requirements; Adequate trade and transport administration; Financial solvency; Compliance with customs requirements; Adequate trade and transport administration; Financial solvency; Adequate security measures Benefits Criteria Benefits Criteria

5 5 The new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration 2. AEO How can I become AEO? Formal certification request to the Belgian Customs and determine the requested type of certificate; Submission of a self-assessment and supporting documentation (not mandatory); Communication with applicant and other customs authorities within EU; Check of the legal capacity of the applicant; 1. Application for an AEO certificate Update the customer image (internal/external sources, interviews, …) of the applicant ; Determination of the stakeholder type, the audit scope and development of the risk matrix; Control activities (design effectiveness, operational effectiveness). 2. Pre-audit Future follow-up: AEO audits + customs controls; Update customer image; Revocation of AEO certificate is possible if necessary; 4. Follow-up via the control plan Assessment of remaining risks of the applicant; Granting of AEO status; 3. Certification More information and pre-defined forms: (as of September 28) Focus on a partnership with applicants: faster procedures and less on-site audits in case of a well documented self assessment

6 6 The new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration 2. AEO CI I Lowest risk score CI II CI III CI IV CI V CI VI CI VII CI VIII CI IX CI X Highest risk score This category is not entitled to receive the AEO status This category may receive the AEO status without operational effectiveness testing in advance Conditions: Self assessment has been documented sufficiently Design Effectiveness assessment is OK CUSTOMER IMAGE (CI) This category may receive the AEO status Conditions: Offsite Design Effectiveness assessment is OK Operational Effectiveness testing is OK

7 7 The new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration 3. E-Customs Verplicht kelderproces Paperless douane en accijnzen => 8,4 miljoen € –4 december 2007 => Pakket 1 Douane aangiften op enig document Enig Kantoor D&A ECS en accijnsaangiften –15 december 2007 => Pakket 2 Summiere aangifte bij invoer Summiere aangifte bij uitvoer –17 april 2008 => Pakket 3 Ondersteuning – controleactiviteiten Vergunningaanvragen en dossierbeheer Andere douaneaangiften Prenotificatie Regiekamers en mobile teams => 14 miljoen € => 2008 Datawarehousing => 11 miljoen € voor D&A => 2008

8 8 The new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration 3. E-Customs 1/1/2007….. Today 1/1/20101/1/20091/1/2008 EMCS Interoperability ECS-Fase1 1/1/2011 ICS Accessability AES ECIP SEAP SW RMF NCTS/TIR New SAD ! 1/1/2012 AEO Fase 1 AIS EORI REXSEA 1/1/2013 ITE EMCS-Ph2EMCS-Ph3 AEO Fase 2 ECS-Fase2

9 9 The new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration 4. Secured tradelanes Land van vertrekLand van bestemming GOEDERENGOEDEREN GEGEVENSGEGEVENS Douane L.v.b.Douane L.v.v. Plaats van lading (bijv. bij produktie of groupageplaats Plaats van lossing (bijv. bij bestemming of groupageplaats Aangever Real time en on line opvolging goederen Logistieke weg : ondoorzichtig en soms onvoorspelbaar (commerciële belangen, onderaanneming, doorverkopen, … ) Pre-departure gegevensPre-arrival gegevens ( = pre-departure) 3 2 1 Als 1+2+3 Grensknooppunt (Terminaloperator) Groen licht Voorwaarde om tot green lane te komen, ongeacht type : Douane Land van Vertrek – Douane land van bestemming : -Wederzijdse erkenning AEO - Akkoord over gegevensuitwisseling

10 10 The new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration 4. Secured tradelanes 1. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)  “TAG” wordt in container geplaatst en geactiveerd.  Opvolgingssysteem : Op zoveel mogelijk plaatsen worden TAG-readers geïnstalleerd.  Nadelen :  infrastructuurgebonden  locatie en status container enkel zichtbaar wanneer container langs reader passeert  Voordelen :  TAG is goedkoop en makkelijk inwisselbaar  Geen batterijproblemen met TAG (8 jaar), dus makkelijk beheer van TAG’s 2. Sateliettechnologie  “TAG” met zendertje wordt in container geplaatst en geactiveerd.  Opvolgingssysteem : Via sateliet is centrale opvolging continu.  Nadelen :  autonomie batterij TAG : max. 6 maand, dan herladen : beheer van TAG’s is moeilijker  iets duurder dan RFID – TAG.  Voordelen :  systeem is niet infrastructuurgebonden. Het werkt onmiddellijk, overal en altijd.  locatie en status container is continu zichtbaar

11 11 The new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration 4. Secured tradelanes AEO is verantwoordelijk voor de ganse logistieke keten of AEO werkt enkel samen met andere AEO’s of AEO sluit met veilige partners contractuele overeenkomsten af De door de AEO gekozen toeleveranciers Zijn gekozen op basis van hun Instemming met bepaalde veiligheidsregels AEO vraagt een veiligheidsattest aan zijn Commerciële partner De containers zijn verzegeld met behulp van electronische verzegeling of high security seal en De containers worden in de installaties van de toeleverancier en van de ontvanger van de goederen geïnspecteerd en De integriteit van de goederen en de afgelegde weg wordt on line en in real time opgevolgd d.m.v. Tracking & Tracing +

12 12 The new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration 4. Secured tradelanes Adapted from Port of Rotterdam presentation GREEN LANES

13 13 The new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration 4. Secured tradelanes Studie van de universiteit van Stanford (juli 2006) : Gebaseerd op innovators (11 fabrikanten en 3 Logistic Service Providers /ocean carriers) De potentiële voordelen voor de handel zijn tot - 38% minder diefstallen en verliezen - 50% verbetering van de toegang tot de data - 43% verbetering van de automatische behandeling van goederen - 49% verbetering van het douane inklaringsproces - 29% verbetering van leveringstijd - meer dan 25% verbetering van tevredenheid van de klant Geen controle per transactie, wel horizontaal ketentoezicht Of ook : per 100 US $/container/maand investering  return van 300 €/container/trip

14 14 Planning secured tradelanes –Establishment of 4 « secured tradelanes »: China South-Africa India United States –Objectives of these pilots: (1) Agreement on principles Customs - Customs (2) Data exchange Customs - Customs (3) Network - platform (4) Tracking and tracing (5) AEO certification (6) Legal framework (7) Mutual recognition of the certificates The new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration 4. Secured tradelanes

15 15 The new Belgian Customs and Excise Administration 5. China China –One of the selected pilot projects between the Belgian Customs and the Chinese Customs; –Realized steps: July 2005: agreement on the possibility to start a secure trade lane between the Belgian and Chinese Customs; June 2007: economic mission in China led by H.R.H. Prince Philippe Foreseen in October 2007: signature of a declaration of principles on the extension of the current pilot (based on the evaluation of the current pilot project with UK and the Netherlands) (to be confirmed)

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